Saturday, May 16, 2015

Walk & Fika & Run!

I was off from work today and daddy still has his vacation until next Thursday.

He actually has a 4 week vacation.

The first 3 weeks he' gone to Thailand,

And this last week in Sweden, he's planed to spend a lot of time with Kaiya!

That's why he hasn't started to work yet :p

Anyways, this afternoon Kaiya, daddy and I went to a long walk together.

During the walk, we were very close to one of daddy's friends' place.

We stopped by and fika together there.

"Fika" means to have coffee in swedish.

Swedes love coffee!!!

今日は休みだったから Kaiya&ダディ&私で午後から長い散歩へ!!

ってか ダディは来週の木曜まで休み〜

実は4週間休暇とってて 3週間タイに行ってたから


ま そんなこんなで 長い散歩の途中でダディのお友達のお家が近かったので 

突如お邪魔して Fika(フィーカ)して楽しい一日だったねぇ〜

Fikaってのはスウェーデン語で 要は"お茶する"って意味



On the way home, we stopped at this huge dog park and Kaiya did her running exercise for today!

帰りに広いドッグランがあったから そこでいっぱい走ったKaiyaさん!

"Kaiya! Daddy's over there!!!"

"Kaiya ダディあそこだよぉ〜"

That's it!? lol

ハイ おつかれさーん!(笑)

Little break!

疲れたねぇ〜 ちょい休憩!

Hey hey hey.....she's running at full speed towards me...



Almost struck me but she went through my right real close!!!

突っ込んでくるのかと思ったけど ギリギリ私の右を抜けてった(^^;

Break again.

休憩 ②

Daddy's mocking you, Kaiya!



  1. はーっはーっはーっ ダディ&KAIYA~!!
