Saturday, August 31, 2019

Wait...whaaaat!? / え!・・・マジか!? Aug. 30

we went to see mommy‘s friends and we did easy barbeque at a park on the evening.
Then all the sudden, Mato started to bark...
What is it?
I looked around to see if there were something or someone...but nothing around.
What is it he's barking to???
Wait, what!?  That??

夕方マミーの友達のとこに遊びに行って みんなで公園でば軽くバーベキューしに行ったら Matoが急に吠え出した・・・。





Mato usually doesn't care anything and has nothing to afraid....though rarely this happens. lol
He reacts to something that you would never think he would care.
Yep, that picture of a lynx is very weird looking for you, Mato ;p
I took him closer so that he would understand that's not real, but he didn't let his guard down ;p

怖いもの無しで 大抵何にも怯えないMatoだけど たまに変なものに反応するw


単なる絵だって教えるために 一緒に近くまで行ったけど 警戒しまくり(笑)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Morning walk in the woods / 森であさんぽ Aug. 28

We came to the woods this morning without planning.
Kids ran a lot !
I should've brought my camera :(((

ふと 森まで行ってきた 今朝。



Kaiya goes crazy right away when we get to the woods, but Mato needs some time to be in the mood to play with Kaiya  ;p

Kaiyaはやる気満々だけど Matoくんはエンジンかかるまでが長い(笑)

Mommy had lunch with a friend.
We had some poke bowls today.  Poke bowl is pretty popular in Stockholm.  It started a couple of years ago, I guess, and now you can find a lot of places where they serve poke bowls.

マミーは 友達とランチ行ってきたよ〜。

ポケボール食べてきた。マグロがメインで アボカドだったり わかめサラダだったり キヌワだったり たくあんだったり パイナップルだったり 色々乗ってるちゃんぽんみたいな丼のポケボールはハワイアン。 結構1、2年前からスウェーデンで流行ってて ポケボール屋さんが増えたんだよぉ。

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Still / まだまだ Aug. 27

Thankfully, the summer still continues in Stockholm.
We were able to take a walk in the early evenings both yesterday and today in the nice and warm weather.


昨日も今日も暖かくて 気持ちいい午後散歩ができたよぉ〜。


Waiting for mommy, while mommy was at the pharmacy.

マミーが薬局に寄ってる間 2人揃って良い子に待ってたよぉ〜。

There were so many people out taking a walk, sunbathing or having some drinks at restaurants.

夕方はたくさんの人が外に出て日光浴やら散歩やら レストランでビール飲んでたり お外が賑やかだった〜。

We stayed a little while by the water to sunbathe, too ;))


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Quick Mato-hunt / 急いでMato狩り Aug. 24

Mommy still has jet lag...and wake up early early in the morning everyday.
We took advantage of it on Saturday morning and went to the dog park in Åkeshov.


朝早〜くに目が覚めてしまうので 土曜の朝は遠くのドッグランまで行ってきたよ!

So ready to begin Mato-hunt. lol 

早速 Mato狩り。

We usually stay here very long.  But somehow they both were going back to the gate all the time as if they wanted to leave already so we did and left this place after not too long.

いつもは結構長くここに居るのに なぜか2人とも入り口の方ばかり気にして あんまり走って遊ばないから そんなに長居はせずにすぐここを後にしたのでした。

Friday, August 23, 2019

Back in Stockholm / ただいまぁ〜 Aug. 23

Mommy's back in Stockholm after a month vacation in Japan.

This is when I opened the front door↓

1ヶ月の日本旅行も日本旅行も終えて ストックホルムに無事帰ってきてるマミーだよ!


They were all excited. But!!! After this, they became a bit sulky because they were mad at me for leaving them too long :p

The walk solves everything. lol They gave me big smiles as soon as we went out for a walk!

でも この後はお二人さんマミーが長い間いなかったことに拗ねて あまり近づいてきてくれなかったのでした(笑)



The next day on the morning walk, we bumped into Chilly!


Then in the afternoon, we went and visited my friends.

It's Perssons where Micke, one of Kaiya's favorite people, lives.

Although Kaiya became super happy, she had to run away from this little monster Leo who just loved to chase after her. lol



大喜びだったけど 小さなレオに追いかけ回されてちょいと大変だったKaiyaさんでした。