Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sakura festival / 桜フェスティバル Apr. 30

Mommy is still working hard long hours every single day.  But on Sunday I had a chance to go to this cherry blossom festival in Kungsträdgården.
This is where Kaiya and Mato came eariler this week.  Back then, it was blooming so much and full of pink color.  We went there on a perfect day.  By Sunday, most of them fell out.  The festival was held in not so pink square and a sunny but cold day :(

まだまだ仕事三昧が続いてるマミーだけど 日曜日にKungsträdgården(クングストレードゴーデン)へ桜祭りを少し見に仕事前に友達と行ってきたよ。

残念ながら桜は大分散ってて このイベントは少しさみしい感じの中 そしていつもより寒い日に開かれたよ(^^;)

この間 KaiyaとMatoを連れて見に行った時は満開に近くてちょうどよかったな(о´∀`о)

It was too crowded to see all the booths throughly :((

人が多くてゆっくり見ても回れなかったけど 色々なブースがあったよ。

We ate Omusoba!  It's one of popular Japanese street food dishes with Yakisoba noodles wrapped in an omelet.
This was actually really good...considering that you can almost never find decent Japanese food in Sweden.  One thing though...the food was too little for what we paid for....I could've eaten three more. ;p

そして オムソバ食べた〜!

これはかなり美味かったんだけど 値段の割に量がとっても少なすぎてあと3個は食べれたな(笑)

There was a Japanese drum performance.


Also, Koto and Shaku hachi musical performance.


Well, my kids, on the other hand, are doing well as usual.
Kaiya is supposed to have her heat soon.  I guess she smells good and Mato smells her butt often ;)

さてさて うちの子たちはと言うと・・・。

Kaiyaさん そろそろヒートが来るはずなんだよねぇ。

ってなことで いい匂いがするらしく MatoちんがKaiyaのお尻をクンクン。

When he does it too much, Mato gets scolded by Kaiya ... lol


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Exhausted mommy / お疲れマミー Apr. 27

Hello guys!  Sorry for not being able to upload new blog entries for a couple of days.
Mommy's been working so much and is very very very tired...
Kaiya and Mato, on the other hand, are doing fine as usual.
This morning they tried to wake mommy even earlier than usual and mommy did her best to ignore them in order to sleep more to regain strength.
Well, eventually daddy got up and took them for the morning walk ;)
Thanks daddy!  Mommy appreciated it so much and was able to go to work today, too.


ちょっと仕事三昧で昨日まで何もする時間がなくて やっとブログエントリーっす。





サンクス ダディ!おかげでなんとかまた仕事に行けたマミーだよ(^_^;)

This video is from yesterday morning.  
Kaiya and Mato driving away the pigeons that were already in the dog park before we came.

さてさて この動画は昨日の朝。


This one is from 2 nights ago.
My girl often sleeps with her legs spread out :)


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Sakura / 桜 Apr. 24

Finally it was time for our annual event to see the cherry blossoms at Kungsträdgården.
We went there in the morning, and I thought it won't be so many people there since it's a weekday...but not really.
There were a lot of people.  As every year Kaiya was shaking so much because she doesn't like crowded places.


毎年恒例の桜を見にKungsträdgården (クングストレードゴーデン) へ 今朝行ってきたよぉ〜!

そして毎年恒例 人が多いところが苦手なKaiyaのガクブルでゆっくり桜見れなかったけどね(笑)

平日の朝だから人少ないと思ったけど 予想が外れたよ。


Well, I couldn't get good shots at Kungsträdgården so a do-over by the dog park in our neighborhood.

イマイチいい写真が撮れなかったから 近所のドッグランの公園の桜の前でテイク2!



Kaiya is, of course, more interested in Mato-hunt than seeing the cherry blossoms :p


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Blooming / 咲いてきた Apr. 23

Both of them were eating salad this morning ;p


On the evening walk, we walked to my friends apartment to water the plants since they are still in Japan ;)
Kaiya and Mato have never met my friends yet but they seem like they are making themselves very much at home ;p



It was really warm over the weekend and the cherry blossoms are blooming here in Stockholm!

週末暖かかったから こっちの桜も咲いてきたよぉ〜!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter weekend in Rättvik / イースターの週末 in Rättvik Apr. 19-21

The long weekend was great!!!  We had a lot of fun.
Mommy got to rest up well being lazy and sleeping a lot.  Energy is restored.
Kaiya and Mato got to run wild in the vast meadow, take walks without the leash most of the times, and play in the yard many times through out the day.  They look little bored at home after we came back to Stockholm.  That's how much they loved it when we were in Rättvik.

いやぁ〜 楽しい楽しい連休でした〜!


KaiyaとMatoはだだっ広い草原で走ったり ほぼノーリードで毎回お散歩したり 庭で何回も遊んだり ストックホルムに帰ってきてから家でちょっとつまらなそうな顔をしてるから よっぽどレットヴィークでの生活が楽しかったんだと思うw

Still snow left in Rättvik.








One morning I woke up around five somehow.
I looked through the window and something was moving.
I grabbed my glasses quickly to see what it was...three deer!!



そっこでメガネを持ってきて見てみると 3頭の鹿さんだった〜!

The lake Siljan close to the famous bridge Långbryggan where we usually go to.
Less water than usual and ice was still covering most of the lake.
It was totally different scenery but also beautiful!



The kids and mommy ;)))
