Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Long walk with daddy / ダディと長いお散歩 Apr. 16

Mommy had to work whole day long and couldn't even take the kids for a long walk this morning, either.
Daddy took them for a long walk to the woods this afternoon instead!

マミーが昨日は長時間仕事で 今日も朝は長い散歩ができなかったから 午後はダディーが森まで長い散歩に連れてってくれたって〜!

They ran a lot and had a lot of fun, it seems :)
Sunny and it went up to 12°C during the day.  The best day to take a long walk...I wish I could come along... :(


今日は天気もよくて12度くらいまで気温が上がって 絶好のお散歩日和〜。
