Sunday, May 31, 2015

Happy birthday Daddy!

Today, May 30th, is daddy's birthday!!!

Unfortunately the weather wasn't pleasant...heavy rain and we got stuck at home,

couldn't go anywhere to have fun to celebrate...

In addition, daddy and I had to work in the evening...:(

At  least a family picture!....Hey Kaiya, smile!!

本日 5月30日はダディの誕生日!

ハッピーバースデー ダディ!!!

と こんな日に お外は土砂降り

外に出られなくて ずーっとお家でのほほーん


まぁ 夕方からダディも私も仕事だったしね・・・

とりあえず 写真でも撮っておきますか〜


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