Sunday, May 13, 2018

Enjoying the sun / すぐ脱ぐよ May 12

It was hot!!

When I checked, it was 24 °C.


It seems like it skipped spring and summer's already come to Stockholm this year.

Because of the long dark winter they have, Swedes love the sun and know how to enjoy it.

If it gets over 20°C or close to that, everybody goes outside. 

Especially, on weekends like today, all the parks, all the beaches or nice places by the water are packed with people.

Some enjoy taking a walk.  Some enjoy sunbathing in their swimsuits.  Some enjoy BBQing. 

Everybody enjoys her/his activities under the sun.

Come to think of it, the day I arrived in Japan last months, April 4th to be exact, was a very hot day.

It was around 25°C like today.

I was wearing the tank top and walking around in Tokyo but Japanese are amazing.

Most of them were wearing long sleeves and jackets even.

I found someone having outfit like mine.  But I realized that person was someone non-Japanese who was sightseeing.

When you live here in Sweden, you start taking off your clothes right a way if there's the sun and it gets even a tiny bit warm. lol




今年は春通り越して 夏が急にきた感じのストックホルム。

日が極端に短くなって暗くて長い冬を越さなきゃいけないスウェーデン人は 太陽の恩恵を思う存分エンジョイしまーす!

20度超えちゃったりしたら みんな外に出まくるよ😙

今日は特に週末だから どこの公園も水辺もたっくさんの人 ・人・人。

散歩したり 水着で日向ぼっこしたり バーベキューしたり それぞれこの暖かい天候を楽しんでる〜。 

そういえば 私が日本に到着した4月4日は暑い日で25度くらいまで上がってたんだよね。・・・その次の日から天気悪くなって こっちに帰ってくるちょい前まで全然暖かくならなかったけど・・・(泣)。

私は (こっちで鍛えられたから) "あっち〜" って言いながら普通にタンクで東京歩き回ってたけど 日本の人すごい!!


あっ 薄着の人いるって思ったら 観光中の外国の方でしたw

ってことで スウェーデンの人はちょっと暖かくて太陽あればすぐ脱ぐよ!(笑)

I woke up late this morning so we took off for our morning walk an hour later than yesterday.

Just one hour but it was already quite warmer.

My kids are very black as you can see.  We tried to walk under the shades.

Though at the dog park, they played wrestling just for a while.

今朝はちょっと寝坊して 昨日より1時間遅くにお散歩に出かけたら もう結構暑ーい!

うちの子たち なにせ黒いんで とにかく日陰を伝って散歩してきたよぉ〜!w

それでも ドッグランではちょっとアクションが。

It didn't last too long.  Kaiya turned and quickly walked away to get under the shades. lol

でも すぐにKaiyaさん 日陰にそそくさと行ってしまわれた(笑)

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