Sunday, October 14, 2018

UK trip / イギリス旅行

It's been a long time but I finally finished up writing about the trip to London in August!

だいぶ経ってしまったけど 8月のイギリス旅行をまとめてみた〜!


On Friday, Aug. 3rd, I left home very early in the morning and I was able to meet up with my friends around 10:30 am in London.

The first day in England, we took a 90-minute bus ride to Oxford.

It was a small college city with beautiful and historical buildings yet there were a lot to see and explore.

8月3日金曜日の早朝にストックホルムを出発して イギリス時間の朝10時半には向こうにいる友達と合流。




We couldn't go around fast enough to see a lot because we had two kids with us but this museum we went to at first was awesome!

Great choice we made to come here.  I could spend a whole day here in this museum.

あまりたくさんのところを見て回れなかったけど 最初に行った博物館は感動した!

むしろこの博物館で時間取りすぎて色々見れなかったのかもしれないけど いい発見したよ。


There are actually two different museums in this building.

When you go into this building, first you enter a huge hall under glass ceilings.  This part of this building is the Museum of Natural History.

There were lots of fossils including dinosaur and stuffed animals on display and kids were so excited.

中に入ると2つの博物館に別れていて まず入ったガラスの天井の部屋には自然史博物館が。



If you go further in the building, you can find a entrance to the other museum called Pitt Rivers museum which displays archaeological and ethnographic objects.

This day the temperature outside was over 30°C in England, too.  Comped to the Natural History museum under the glass ceilings with lots of lights and heat, this part of the building, Pitt Rivers museum, had no windows, dark atmosphere and cool air from air conditioning :)

建物の奥に進むとPitt Rivers (ピットリバーズ)博物館が。こちらは考古学・民俗学に関する展示。

イギリスもこの日は30度超えてて ガラスの天井の部屋でとっても暑かった自然史博物館と打って変わってこっちは薄暗くてエアコン効いててヒンヤリ(^ ^)

I'm not sure if you can see all within a day.  There were tons and tons of objects crammed in the display cases and even the drawers under those cases, too.

The objects were collected from all over the world and assorted by types of objects, not by the places where they were from.

For instance, in this mask section, I found Japanese Noh masks along with masks from other countries and cultures.


世界中から集めたものが 国・文化別ではなくて物の種類ごとに置いてあり 例えばこのお面のセクションには日本の能面があったぞ。

The third floor is the weapons and shields section.  There were also some from Japan such as Japanese samurai swords and armour. 

上の階の武器のセクションには日本刀とか甲冑とかもあって ちょいちょい日本のものを発見したよぉ。

The other place we visited was Christ Church.

次は Christ Church (クライスト・チャーチ)へ。

I actually wanted to see the Great Hall in this building which inspired the Hogwards Great hall in the film Harry Potter.

But we were 15 minutes late for the last entry time and the gate was closed...

ハリーポッターで登場した大広間のモデルになったこの建物の中のグレート・ホールが見たかったんだけど 最終入場時間を15分すぎててゲートが閉まってた〜(泣)

Day 2 in UK.

This trip's main purpose was to see Stonehenge!!!

This is the thing I really wanted to see!




We are almost there!


When you get to the gate and buy the ticket, you can take this shuttle bus which takes you to the closest point to Stonehenge.  You can also walk but it's quite a walk, I think.

ゲートについて入場したら バスで近くまで行きまぁ〜す!歩いても行けるけど 結構歩くんじゃないかな。

Here we are!

I thought we could see it closer like we could actually touch the stones, but it's roped off about10 feet away.  We just walked around the monument in circle along the rope.



もっと近くで見れるかと思ってたけど 結構離れたとこでストーンヘンジの周り360度ロープで区切られていて そこからは入れないようになってたから けっこー遠くから見物。

By the way, this boy, my friend's son, went inside the rope and ran off to the stones full speed just a second my friend took her eyes off of him. lol

She ran after him as quick as she could and caught him just before he almost reached the stones.

Yep, they got everyone's attention and it was so funny :p



めっちゃ注目を浴びて めっちゃウケた〜w

There are still a lot of unsolved questions about Stonehenge.  Although we couldn't see it close, I was very glad I was able to come here see mysterious monuments for real.

まだまだ謎の多いストーンヘンジ。神秘的で遠くからしか見れなかったけど 来てよかった〜。

Stonehenge stands in the middle of field, nowhere.

ストーンヘンジがあるのは平原のど真ん中 。

There are actually other ancient monuments in this site.  We didn't have time so we skipped it but you can actually walk to those sites.

他にも古代遺跡があって 私たちは時間がなかったから行かなかったけどこの平原を歩いて行くことができるんだよぉ。

After Stonehenge, we drove to Cotswolts.

Cotswolts is the area with outstanding nature where you can see the towns and villages with old buildings and houses which look like the time has been stopped for centuries.

At first, we decided to go to Bibury, one of the most famous and popular villages in Cotswolts.

ストーンヘンジのお次は また車を走らせてCotswolts (コッツウォルズ) へ。



So pretty!!!  Can't believe there are actually people living in these cottages.  How amazing it that!


Next stop Burford.

This is a town with a main street full of small shops and restaurants.

Well, unfortunately, we got here a tad too late that most of the stores were closed already.


こちらはお店が色々あるメイン通りがあってショッピングできると思ってたんだけど 来るのが遅くてほとんどのお店が閉まってた〜w

It was super fun driving off to countryside and see Stonehenge and beautiful villages in Cotswolds.

I really really really appreciate Hikaru who drove us and showed us around on his day off!



The last day in London.

Since my flight was on the evening, my friend and I took off to the center of London just to go aorund and enjoy the Sunday markets.

I love to go see the markets in London.

This time we first got off at Liverpool street station and went to Old Spitalfields Market.

This market sells fashion, crafts, and of course, so many different types of food.

We found Imagawayaki, a Japanese dessert, and it's my favorite!!!

You don't find it everyday when you are living in EU.  I had to try it!!

There were three different flavors; sweet azuki beans; custard; matcha custard.  The custards weren't thick enough and buns themselves weren't as big as you usually find in Japan.  

Bit disappointed but you can't expect the exact the same, right?


夕方の便だったから飛行機の時間まで  子供抜きで友達と私だけロンドンの街をブラブラ。


今回はまずリバープールストリート駅で降りで オールドスピタルフィールズマーケットへ。




滅多に食べれないから 試しに買って食べてみたよん!

大判じゃなくて小判くらいの大きさで 餡子にカスタードに抹茶クリームの3種類あったんだけど カスタードと抹茶クリームは 中身が柔らかすぎてイマイチでした。甘いもの大好きなマミーですが辛口コメントですw

Come to think of it, they sold a lot of Asian food on that day.

そういえば なんかアジアンな食べ物屋が多かった気がする。

Next stop is Brick Lane.  It was really close so we actually walked there.

This area has many different markets and I really enjoyed it.

First thing we found was this indoor market place where there were only food venders.

I think this one was called Sunday Upmarket.


この辺は色々マーケットがやってて すんごく楽しかった。

最初に見つけたのは屋内に屋台が並んでた このマーケット。

多分Sunday Upmarketってとこだと思う。

Everything we saw was so tempting.  We wanted to taste them all!! lol

美味しそうなものばかりで 全部試したくなった〜w

I got myself a pearl milk tea since I can't easily find it in Sweden.

スウェーデンでは滅多にみないから 久しぶりにタピオカの入った甘〜いパールティーを飲んだよぉ〜。

This isa Backyard Market which sells art, crafts, and fashion.


Imagawayaki didn't fully filled our tummy so next thing we got was Gnocchi and Ravioli.

This was super good!

And finally we got satisfied :)

You can get really delicious food with low are the best!!!

小判焼きだけじゃ足りなくてお腹空いてたから ニョッキとラビオリを食べてみることにした。




We were full but there was a famous bakery which sells the best salt beef bagel sandwich nearby and we couldn't resist stopping by.

I came here before so I forgot to take photos ;p

Well, I saved this sandwich for later, and I enjoyed it during the flight when I got tad hungry.

Anyways, it was just a weekend trip but I really really really appreciate my friends who let me stay at their place.

Thanks again Hikaru who devoted his day off for driving us around.

Even if it's only once a year, it's wonderful to get to see one of the closes friends.

I hope I'll see ya guys soon ;)

お腹いっぱいになったけどこの近くに美味しいソルトビーフサンドを売ってる有名なお店があるから そこにも寄って帰路につきました〜。



ってなことで今回も弾丸イギリス週末旅行だったけど いつも泊めてくれる友達に感謝感謝!





  1. さすが、イギリス! 建物も博物館もアメリカのものとは、ひと味違うね!自然史博物館は、ニューヨークの博物館とは違って、もっと学問的に見えるぞ!

    1. そうなのよ。スウェーデンの建物とも違うし。イギリスは素敵な建物ばかりで見ていて飽きない!
