Saturday, January 13, 2018

Energetic mommy / 元気はつらつマミー Jan. 12

I had a day off and I've done a lot more than an usual day ;))

In the morning, I had an appointment to see a doctor for my arm.

You know, in Sweden, healthcare cost isn't expensive but to get to see a doctor takes freaking long time.

Last month, I had more pain in my arm which I injured a year ago that's why I went to the hospital during the drop-in hours but I didn't get to see a doctor...instead, they made me make an appointment which was a month away.

And today was that day.  This doctor suggested to get an MRI so I'm getting MRI next time!  I hope I'll get some sort of answers to this long term injury.

After the doctor's consultation, I went for shopping....there are some upcoming b-days ;)

Then in the evening, I did loads of laundry.  While I was at it, I even went to the gym to get today's workout done!

Oh yeah, of course, the walks with Kaiya and Mato, too!

Daddy had to work long hours today so they had all 3 walks with mommy ;)))))

An hour morning walk before I left to the hospital.  An hour and a half walk in the early evening after I came back from shopping.  Finally, the night walk after the laundry for about 40 min.

We went to the big dog park in Solna in the evening.  No one was there.  It was all for ourselves :)

Green is Kaiya and blue is Mato, btw.

今日はマミー休みだったから マミー張り切ってフル回転!!

治療費は安いけど ドクターに見てもらうまでに時間がかかるスウェーデン。

腕の痛みが増したから先月病院に行ったら 1ヶ月後に予約をさせられ それが今朝で行ってきた〜。

1年前に負傷してまだ完治しない腕。今回の先生はMRIを勧めてきたから 次回はMRIを撮りに行くことに〜。

それが終わってから 探しているものがあるので買い物に。

んでもって夜は洗濯しながら ジムにも行って よく動いた〜!

あ。もちろん KaiyaとMatoとの散歩もね!

ダディが1日仕事だったから 朝夕晩 3回ともマミーと♪( ´▽`)

朝病院行く前に1時間。買い物から帰ってきてから夕方1時間半 。洗濯ぜーんぶ終わってから 夜の散歩40分くらい(≧∀≦)

夕方の散歩は 久しぶりに隣町の広いドッグランへ行ってきたよぉ〜!

ちなみに 緑がKaiyaで 青がMato!


  1. 夜の公園を動き回る緑と青のLEDの光!KAIYAとMATOそれにバックの照明に浮き立つ建物!ちょっと幻想的な眺めだね。

    1. 暗いと家のブラッキーたちを撮るの難しいんだけど たまにはこんなのもいいっしょ?(*´∀`*)
