Friday, December 15, 2017

Mato making new friends / Matoの新しい友達 Dec. 14

Yesterday, Mato made new friends!
I was sooo happy about it since Mato reacts to male dogs.  He growls, barks and sounds scary when he sees male dogs.

That's why we can't really go in to a dog park where other dogs we don't know are already playing.

Since we take a morning walk every day with Chilli, Mato got used to being around him.   His reactions to male dogs got toned down, I think.

Yesterday morning, a 10 months old gold retriever boy named Sam came to the dog park.  Sam's owner agreed to give it a try to let them greet.

It's been a long time since Mato was in the same space with other new boy dog.

We'd actually met before a couple of time just passing by when we were taking a walk.

But this was the first time for them to greet each other.

Of course, Mato was growling, not in the way that they were gonna fight.

When I thought it was getting too much, then I called Mato back to me to give it a break from almost fixating on Sam.  

Mato growled most of the time when he was around Sam so they didn't stay too long but it was really a good training for Mato!

It all depends on owners, not their dogs, if we can challenge this kind of things.

Most of the dog owners we see are very protective, and they immediately assume that Mato is an aggressive dog...which is not true.

That's why I am very thankful for Sam's owner!!

I hope we'll get this kind of occasions with Sam again soon.  If we get to meet little by little and over and over, Mato will act as calm as he's around with Chilli.

昨日はね Matoくんドッグランで新しい友達ができたよぉ〜!

なにせ 男の子に反応して 吠えたり 唸ったりするから なかなか他のワンちゃんと遊ばせられないんだけど シリィと毎日お散歩してだいぶ前よりは柔らかくなってはいると思う。

昨日の朝は10ヶ月のゴールデンの男の子サム君がドッグランにきて 試してみようってサムの飼い主さんも同意したから 久しぶりにシリィ以外の男の子とドッグランの同じ空間に一緒にいたよぉ〜。

普通にお散歩してる時にすれ違うことは幾度かあって飼い主さんとは挨拶したことあるけど 犬同士で挨拶させたことはなかったんだぁ。

ってことで 初挨拶。

案の定 ウーウー言ってたけど 喧嘩する様子ではナッシング。

ちょっとヒートアップしたかなって思ったら 呼び戻して一旦気を反らせて なんてことを繰り返してたんだけど 上手くいったかな。

ウーウー最後まで言ってたからか セム君は早めにドッグランを後にしたけど いいトレーニングだった。

こういうことができるか出来ないかは 犬同士ってよりも その飼い主によるからねぇ〜。

大抵は過保護な飼い主ばっかりで こうやってチャレンジしてくれる人がなかなかいないから マジ サムの飼い主さんに感謝!!!

こんな感じで少しずつ挨拶して 会う回数増えたら シリィといる時と同じ様になんの問題もなくなるだろうから またこういう機会があればいいなぁ。
Mato with Sam and his owner

By the way, just after Sam came in to the dog park, another boy dog came in.

He was a Yorkshire Terrier, very cute, friendly, and he was awesome!!

As soon as Mato was on him, he barked towards Mato as if he was sharply saying "Stop it!"

Then Mato immediately stopped and didn't bother him any more.

Though he was still interested in this little guy so he sniffed his butt slow and nicely ;)

そうそう。サムくんが入ってきたすぐ後に 初めて見るこのヨークシャーの小さい男の子も入ってきたんだ。


小さいのに Matoに やめろよっ!  って一喝入れたら 一発でMatoも言うことを聞いて 唸ることもなく 絡むこともなく。 

でも興味があるから そっとお尻の匂いを嗅いだりしてた(笑)

人懐っこくて 可愛い子だったぁ〜。

After we left the dog park, we bumped in to Teddy!

Teddy is one of the guy dogs Mato can be around with.

He is a good friend of Kaiya's.  I don't know if you remember but when Kaiya was very little, I took a photo of them looked like hugging each other.



んでもってKaiyaのいい友達。覚えてる人いるかなぁ〜 まだKaiyaが小さい頃に2人がハグしてる写真を撮ったよぉ〜!
Kaiya (left)                Mato (right)

Teddy and Mato


  1. この小さいヨークシャーを見ていたら、マミーの実家にいるジェーのことを思い出しちゃった。ジェーもかつてこんなふうに、はつらつとしていたんだよね。KAIYAもMATOも、スウェーデンで、いろいろなワンちゃんたちと、はつらつと遊びな!

    1. そそそ。ジェイも若かったのぉ〜。Matoももっと慣れていろんな子と遊べるようになるといいのだ〜!
