Thursday, October 26, 2017

Taking a walk at 4:30 am / 朝4時半の散歩 Oct. 26

Kaiya's been waking us up in the middle of the night lately... I think because of her heat, she feels the need to pee more often than usual.

This morning, around 4:30 am, I took her out for a walk since daddy was asleep so deeply that he didn't even noticed her whining.

When this happen, Mato always wants to go out together... he is a package deal :p

I totally got awake by the cold air once we came out.

It was dark and quiet.  The cold air felt nice.  I thought taking a walk way early wasn't so bad so we took sort of a regular length walk.

Though as soon as we came home, I got sleepy again.  

We went back to sleep.  Then we took a walk again just before I left to work.

Kaiyaさんがヒート中でトイレが近くなるらしく ここ数日夜中に起こされてるマミー&ダディーです。

今朝は4時半に起こされて ダディーぐっすりだったので 私がお外へ。


外の冷たい空気で目が覚めちゃったから ふつーに散歩して来ちゃった(^^;)

真っ暗だけど 静かで冷たい空気もいい感じに気持ちよく感じるし 早々朝の散歩も悪くないな〜って思ったけど お家帰って来たら また眠気が・・・。

ちょっとまた寝て 仕事行く前にまた散歩。

I hurried home after work to take a afternoon walk.

They had their chasing game in the park on the hill today:)

そして そして 急いで仕事から帰宅して午後散歩!!


My phone is not functioning right...this was supposed to be a video not a photo!!! ;p
スマホの調子が悪くて 動画がほぼ静止画になってました〜。すんまそ〜ん(^^;)

Mommy had no chance to rest whole day.  That's why mommy needed to be a couch potato in the evening.

Kaiya decided to take a nap beside me...

朝からノンストップだったので お疲れマミーはソファにグデッ。


Mato decided to watch TV with mommy putting his head on my lap.


Love my kids and this is the happy moment of the day :)



  1. しあわせ~ Kaiya~!!
    おなじく~ MATO~!!

    1. みんな しあわせ〜 イエイっ!!(≧∀≦)
