Saturday, March 9, 2019

Ramen / ラーメン Mar. 09

Bad luck.
I knew it was raining a bit when we were about to leave home for the morning walk, but it didn't had to become harder while we were outside.  
Then just a couple minutes before we were about to reach home, it stopped raining.
Why does it happen all the time?  or not... it just me who feels that it happens all the time when it actually doesn't happen all the time...
Anyways, raining, blowing, not a fun walk for mommy.  Kids, on the other hand, were having fun as usual.


あさんぽ出る前に外をチェックしたら少し雨が降ってるのは気づいたけど 散歩中にひどくなったよぉ(T ^ T)


雨の日はいっつもこんな感じ・・・。って私が思ってるだけ? でも結構こうなる確率多いような気がするけど・・・気のせい???
まぁ 雨に風に 大変な朝の散歩だったけど KaiyaとMatoは普通にいつもと変わらず(^ ^)

That's Kaiya's Mato hunt face. lol


This is the target, Mato.


This evening I went out with a friend to eat ramen :))))
There's a quite well-know ramen place called AI-ramen in Södermalm.  But I'd never heard anything extremely good about this place so I'd never tried it before.


ソーデルマルム(Södermalm)にある名の知れた"アイラーメン"ってとこがあるんだけど すんごい美味いって噂も聞かないから実は1度も試したことはなかったんだ。

Their menu is simple.  Four different kinds of ramen and a donburi.  Some side dishes like edamame and kimuchi.  Unfortunately, no gyoza :(

メニューはメインが4種類のラーメンと1種類の丼ものでとてもシンプル。おつまみに枝豆とかキムチもあったけど 餃子がなかった(泣)

ラーメンに餃子がないのは痛い( ̄^ ̄)

I chose Red Hot.

私はこってり系の豚骨かミソ派だけど なかったからチキンベースのこのレッドホット。

My friend chose Stockholm Shoyu.

友達が選んだのは ストックホルム醤油。

The soup was ok.  The egg and the pork were great.  But the noodles were awful...hard like not boiled enough.  I mean Hakata ramen can have hard noodles called barikata but this wasn't Tonkotsu ramen. Not the same thing.  Moreover, the amount of noodles was so little.  They could put more since we are paying 145kr for this.  Oh,  mine was called Red Hot but it wasn't that spicy in case you were wondering.
So the good ramen place is really hard to find outside Japan.  The one I went to in Düsseldorf was marvelous.  I was lucky that I was able to go there.
Anyways, apart from the ramen, I had a real fun time with my friend talking about a lot of stuff :))))


固すぎ。もっと茹でた方がいいのか 元々の麺がダメなのか。もちもち感はなくてパサパサで下手すると元の粉を食べる感が・・・。

博多ラーメンの麺はバリカタとかあるけど これは全然別のお話だよね。

しかも 麺少なっ!!ラーメンなんだから。145クローナも払ってるんだから。麺もっっと入れて!!!

ついでに言うと レッドホットって言う名前で辛そうだった私のラーメンはやっぱりそんなに辛くなくて これまたがっかり。

とまぁ ラーメンのことになると辛口コメントですが ラーメン大好きだからやっぱり美味しいものを求めてしまうよね!



まぁ ラーメンはさておき 今夜は友達と色々だべって楽しいひと時が過ごせたよぉん(о´∀`о)

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