Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mommy cooks for Kaiya!

Ever since Kaiya got her heat, she's been little off...

She's been having the runs and she even had no apptite...

I decided to cook her something instead of giving her the regular dry food.

Last night I cooked rice soup sort with salmon,  an egg, and chicken lever.

And she ate it!!!

Although I had to feed her with my hand...

She almost only ate the food from my hand.

Sometimes she becomes a spoiled kid. :p

やっぱり ヒートが来てから 調子がおかしいKaiyaさん

お腹がゆるかったり 食欲がなかったりだったから

昨日の夜から レバー、サーモン、玉子、ごはんを煮て

おじや的なものを作ってあげたら 食べた

しかも 甘えん坊にもなってて

昨日の夜は ほとんど私の手からしかごはん食べなかった(^^;)


The last few days I've been working long hours

and Kaiya had to be home alone a lot...

 We've been having an hour power walk at night after I get home from walk

so we get enough exercises :)

ここ数日 私の仕事の時間が長かったから お留守番が多かったKaiyaさん

夜帰って来てから 1時間一緒にパワーウォークで


This one is from this morning

She just can't resist walking on the ice :)

She goes right into her crib to crash after the night power walk! :p
夜のパワーウォーク終わって 自分の寝床でもうオヤミミ〜!