Sunday, June 16, 2019

Fun day Saturday / 楽しい土曜日 Jun. 15

Mato ran with me for my training today.
He ran 2 sets of 2 km.
The sun was shining and temperature was going up very quickly.  It became too hot for Mato to run any more at the end though.  



天気もよくて 良い感じに気温も上がってきてたから 2セット目の最後は流石に暑くてちょいとバテてきたMatoだったよ。

Kaiya, on the other hand, is not really a running type.
But I thought it was unfair for Kaiya that only Mato went out for extra walk, so I took her out, too, after I was done working out.
And mainly, she was chilling in the shade. lol


だけど Matoばっかり外に出てたのはアンフェアだから Kaiyaもマミーのトレーニング終わってからお外にきたよぉ〜。

けど 日陰で涼んでた〜(笑)

Simba's mom called me to join them for sunbathing by the woods in the early evening.
On the way there, we met Taro!

夕方はシンバのママに誘われて 日光浴しに森の方まで行ってきたよ。

したら途中でタロにあったから 一緒にお散歩〜。

Taro has only met Simba for a few times, I guess.  He was trying to jump on Simba and it's gotten a bit intense.  
Then Mato started to growl at Taro.
I guess he thinks Simba is one of our pack members.  That's why he became protective toward Simba.

タロはあんまりシンバに会った事ないから ちょいとガウガウさんになりかけてたんだ。

したら Matoが怒ってガウガウ タロに言い始めたよ。

シンバはうちのパックの一員って思ってるんだろうね。シンバを守ろうとしてたよ(^ ^)

We spent a lot times outside today and had a lot of fun!

いっぱい外に出て 楽しい1日だったよぉ〜!

On the way home, Mato cracked us up!!  He came out of the bushes and look what happened to him. lol

帰りに Matoがみんなで爆笑させてくれたよ〜(*≧∀≦*)

草むらから出てきたら なんかいっぱい付けてきたよ。

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