Sunday, January 13, 2019

Smart girl and troublesome boy / 良い子と困った子 Jan. 12

We went to a plain today.
Fist time coming here.  Kaiya and Mato could run wild :))))





But after this,  things happened.
Mato saw some people and dogs taking a walk not too close from us.
I thought he would come back to me since they were far away.
Nope.  He was too curious about them that he started to walk towards them...
I  didn't realize until I followed Mato since where we were was a bit isolated because of the trees that were surrounding 2/3 of our view but there were more people taking a walk with their dogs.
Anyways, it took a long time to put the leash on Mato.
Luckily, he didn't actually make any contact with other dogs even though he followed them so there wasn't any trouble with others.
While mommy was chasing Mato, Kaiya was being such a good girl.
I told her to "wait" and went after Mato.  Kaiya sat there and didn't move at all.
When I went behind the bushes where she couldn't see me, then she walked forward where she was able to see me.
As soon as I finally caught Mato, I beckoned Kaiya to come to me.  She ran as fast as she could and came to me :))))
I was so impressed and so happy that Kaiya was such a smart girl...though I was also super mad at Mato :((((

がしかし このあと事件が!!

Matoくん ちょいと距離のあるとこに犬と散歩してる人たち発見。

結構遠いから向こうまで行かないだろぉと思ったら 全然マミーの声に反応しない・・・ガ〜ン(T ^ T)


私たちがいたところは木が囲ってたとこで気づかなかったけど そこから出たとこには意外に犬の散歩する人たちが増えてて Matoをリードにつけるまで時間がかかったぁ。

大変だったけど 他の犬との接触が意外にもなくて トラブルが起こらなくてよかった・・・ふぅ〜やれやれ。


私が待ての指示を出していたから その場でお座りして全く動かなかった良い子(о´∀`о)

薮の陰で私の姿が見えなくなってしまったら 私の姿が見えるとこまで移動してたけどね(^^)

Mato確保したら 手を振ってこっちに来いの合図で走って戻ってきたKaiya。

Kaiyaの良い子さに マミーまじ感動(〃ω〃)

だけど Matoにはカンカンになった朝でした(-_-)


  1. この平原はどこだ⁉ 今まで、見たことのない景色なんだがーーーーー。KAIYA、お利口、MATO、きかん坊、いつものパターンか?

    1. そうそう よくわかったね。初めて行ったよ。たまに行く少し遠くにある小さなドッグランは高速沿いにあるんだけど その高速の上の橋を渡ってまだまだまっすぐ進んでいくとあるんだよ。夏に行ったビーチの通り道にあるんだ〜。Matoにはヒヤヒヤさせられて困った。Kaiyaには本当に感動したけどね(〃ω〃)
