Some of you already know about this but I haven't officially talked about it on my now I'm introducing my baby son Mato.
In late July, I got e-mail from Mr. Arisumi, who is the Kai ken breeder in Japan (his kennel Minami Alps Kennel ). My daughter Kaiya is from his kennel, by the way. He asked me if I wanted a boy puppy.
We had been talking about getting a boy and in the future having Kaiya's puppies.
Mr. Arisumi'd been looking for a boy puppy from other kennels for Kaiya for quite some times.
I really wanted him but daddy seemed little unsure and unready for this...but you know me. I talked him into it or should I say I sort of forced him to say yes. lol
Anyways, I e-mailed Mr. Arisumi back that we want him.
Mato was already 1 month old when I got e-mail from Mr. Arisumi.
知ってる方もいると思いますが まだ正式にブログで紹介していなかったので ここで新しく家族になる息子Matoを紹介します!
7月の終わりころに南アルプス犬舎(Kaiyaの生まれた犬舎さんです)の有墨さんから "急だけど仔犬が手に入ったけどいるかな?" とメールが来ました。
実は 前々からKaiyaのお婿さんの話をしていて 有墨さんにお婿さん探しをお願いしてたんです(^-^)
心配性のダディ(というか私があっけらかんとしすぎてるだけかもしれないけど)を説得して "欲しいです!" と返信。
連絡をもらった時には Matoはもう生後1ヶ月でした。
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This is the first photo of Mato that I got from Mr. Arisumi. 1番最初にもらったMatoの写真。 |
There has been a change in the EU regulations and Sweden made the decision to stop giving permissions to import puppies since December 2014. After I brought Kaiya to Sweden.
Back then, puppies under 3 months old could be brought without any vaccinations.
But now all the dogs have to have rabies vaccination in the country where they are coming from and have to wait 21 days after the shot before they can travel.
Which means Mato has to be about 4 months old to be able to fly from Japan since puppies have to be at least 12 weeks old in order to have rabies vaccination.
This was little problem because it's really difficult for me to go to Japan and take care of Mato for a couple of months.
My mom and dad could've taken care of Mato but they already have 2 dogs and I thought it would be too much for them to take care of one more dog.
And you know what happened? Mr. and Mrs. Arisumi offered to take care of Mato until I come and get Mato to Japan!!!
I can't thank them enough!!!
They are the professionals of Kai dogs and already have 6 Kai dogs. It's the perfect place for Mato to be raised.
So Mato started to live with Mr. and Mrs. Arisumi and their 6 beautiful Kais since August.
You can check his everyday life there at Minami Alps Kennel in Mr. and Mrs. Arisumi's blogs. ( & )
2014年の12月にEUの規制が変わって スウェーデンは仔犬の輸入の許可をストップすることに決めたらしくKaiyaを連れて来た時と同じにはいかない〜(; ̄O ̄)
Kaiyaの時は生後3ヶ月以内の仔犬をワクチンなしで輸入できたけど 今度は全ての犬がその国で狂犬病ワクチンを受け ワクチン打ってから21日待ってからではないとスウェーデンに入国できない!!!
ということは 狂犬病ワクチンは生後12週間たたないと打っても効き目がないから Matoがこっちに来れるようになるには だいたい生後4か月。
山梨の実家で私のママとパパにMatoをお願いしてもいいけど もうすでにアレックスとジェイという2匹のワンコがいるし パパは単身赴任だから平日はママしかいなくて 長期間世話するのが大変すぎるだろうなぁ・・・。
そこへ 有墨さんが "うちで面倒見てあげるから!" !!!!!
有墨のお父さんとお母さん 本当に大好き!!!!!!!!感謝しても仕切れないほどです!
有墨さんのところには6匹の甲斐犬たちがいて 毎日自然の中での散歩をしていて 甲斐犬ベテランの有墨さん夫婦のところで過ごせるのは Matoにとってたくさんのことを学べてこれ以上ない環境!
南アルプス犬舎でのMatoの日々は 有墨さん夫妻のブログでチェックできま〜す!(^O^)/
When Mato first arrived at Minami Alps Kennel, there were many puppies. Their 3 female Kais had just given birth to many puppies.
He was born little before them so he was the biggest and being a big brother to other puppies :)
Matoが南アルプス犬舎に移った時には 3頭の牝犬ちゃんたちが子供を産んだばかりで 他に15匹の仔犬ちゃんたちがいましたぁ〜!
Matoはその子たちより少し前に生まれてたから Matoは少し大きくてみんなのお兄ちゃん!(^ー゜)
Their youngest Kai of 6 Kai is called Ken and he is Mato's cousin. Ken's mom and Mato's dad are siblings.
Ken and Mato became very close. Ken took care of Mato a lot!!!
南アルプス犬舎で1番若い男の子ケンは 実はMatoの従兄弟。ケンのお母さんとMatoのお父さんは兄妹なんです!
この従兄弟同士のケンとMatoはすっごく仲が良くなって ケンがいつも小さなMatoの面倒を見てくれました!
Once Mato became little bigger, he joined the walk with other adult Kais to the river.
There he ran a lot, explored new things he saw, played with Ken and other Kais, leaned how to hunt by other Kais, got massages from female Kais, learned to walk in the river to go to the other side, etc.
最初のワクチンが終わって 9月1日にはお散歩デビュー(o^^o) 大人の甲斐犬たちがいつも行く河原散歩!
ここでは毎日たくさん走って 1人で探検してみたり みんなと遊んだり 狩りしかたを伝授してもらったり 牝犬からマッサージしてもらったり 水に入って歩いたり たくさんのことを学んだぁ〜!
Well, the thing is that my mom met Mato a couple of times because Mr. and Mrs. Arisumi were very nice and stopped by my parents' place every time after Mato got shots at Aniaml Clinic near my parents'.
About 2 weeks ago, when they were at my parents', Mr. Arisumi saw my mom really in love with Mato and said that it's ok for her to keep Mato after the rabies shot because they taught a lot of things to Mato and Mr. Arisumi thought Mato was ready. I was so grateful for everything Mr. and Mrs. Arisumi did so if he said Mato was ready and I thought it was ok for him to live with my mom until I come. Mr. Arisumi and I talked about it and we decided to give my mom to make a decision.
Mom didn't give an answer right a way since she had such a hard time saying good bye to Kaiya 2 years ago. She thought it would be much harder than last time for Kaiya if she spend more time with Mato.
Eventually, mom decided to keep Mato 4 days ago.
Mato's rabies shot appointment was yesterday. After the shot, Mr. and Mrs. Arisumi left Mato to my mom.
I read their blogs and I felt sorry for them because mom's decision was very last minutes and they couldn't sleep well for the last 2 nights before they left Mato to mom.
Mato lived there about 2 months and of course he became part of their family. Who doesn't get sad saying good bye.
Well, you know, I will take Mato to their place as much as I can while staying in Japan!!
2週間ほど前にワクチン接種の後に実家に寄ってくれた有墨さん。ママがあまりにもMatoを可愛がっていたので "狂犬病の注射が終わったら 引き渡してもいいですよ" と伝えたと。Matoも色々覚えたから大丈夫だと有墨さんが判断して ママに言ってくれたらしい。
長い間Matoの躾から何までお世話をしてもらえて私は感謝しても仕切れないほどだったので 後はママに決めてもらうことに。
何せ2年前Kaiyaとお別れするのが辛すぎて胸が苦しくなったママ(・・;) Matoを引き取ったらKaiyaの時以上長い時間一緒に過ごすことになるから もっともっと別れが辛くなるんじゃないかって すぐには返事がこなかったけど (&ママが風邪でダウンしてたってのもあり)4日前にやっとMatoの面倒を見ると決心。
そんな中 宅配が。私が注文しておいた飛行機用のクレートがタイミングよく届いて 有墨さんが組み立ててくれたみたい。ありがとうございます!(o^^o)
その後 有墨さん夫妻のブログを読んだら Matoとの別れで辛い思いをさせてしまって申し訳なくなってしまった。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
私が日本にいる間は Matoと一緒にいっぱいお邪魔しに行くので 覚悟しておいてください!d( ̄  ̄)(笑)
Now Mato is with my parents.
We can no longer see Mato on Mr. and Mrs. Arisumi's blogs so I decided to put up Mato's photos here in my blog. I asked my mom to send tons of tons of tons of Mato's photos everyday until I get to Japan ;)
というわけで Matoは実家にいます!
もう有墨のお父さんとお母さんのブログでMatoの姿を見ることができないので 私が日本に行くまで ママから送られてくる写真をアップしていきたいと思いまぁす!
The first day at my parents' place.
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Playing in the garden, お庭で遊んでみたり。 |
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Went in the pond in the garden. 庭にある池に入ってみたり。 |
Meeting Jay.
Deleteマトの事をこれからアップしてくから リニューアルしてみたの(^o^)
マト君 早く会いたいな Kaiya~!!
ReplyDeleteあともうちょっとの辛抱だぁ〜 Kaiya〜!