Friday, October 28, 2016

Mato 22nd day at my parents' home (2016/10/28) / Mato 実家22日目

What a exciting day today!! 

My grandma, her dog Nana and I traveled together all the way from Nagasaki to Yamanashi.  First, we took the airplane, then the bus, and then a express train.

We left before noon and got to my parent's home around sevenish at night.

Finally, meeting Mato for the first time!!!!

This little fella is such a handsome boy with long legs...and very skinny I think.

At first, he was little hesitated since there were all the people he wasn't familiar with, my grandma, Nana, and my aunt who came from Kanagawa, and me.

But it didn't take long for him to get used to us.  He's very friendly to everyone.

We played together.  He licked all over my face.  I just fell in love with this little baby :))))

私マミー 本日ついについに山梨へ!

長崎をおばあちゃんとおばあちゃんのワンちゃんナナと昼に出発して 飛行機に乗りバスに乗りかいじに乗り 夜になってやっと着いた〜!


なんて 可愛いんだろう!!!!!

ハンサムで 足が長くて細っこい!!

おばあちゃんとナナ そして 私の叔母も神奈川から遊びに来てたから 知らない人がたくさんで 興味津々!!

ちょっと恐る恐るみんなところに挨拶に行って 人懐っこいからすぐにみんなに慣れちゃった(o^^o)

一緒に遊んだり いっぱい顔なめてもらったり メロメロです!

This is from this morning before we arrived at my parents' home.

これはまだ私たちにご対面してない 朝のMato。

Seeing each other for the first time!!!  He's got used to being held by mom so he didn't try to get out from my arms when I held him.

ついにご対面!ママとの抱っこで慣れてるから 抱っこしても嫌がんないや(*^^*)

Mom did such a great job cleaning my room which used to look like a storage room ;p  This is gonna be my and Mato's for the rest of the stay in Japan :)

ママが物置化してた私の部屋を綺麗にしてくれて 今日からここが私とMatoのお部屋。

Playing with a toy.  Chewing real hard.


While I was taking a bath, he went and curled up on grandma's futon.  ;)  Good night everyone!



  1. パワースポット for Kaiya~!!

  2. このぐらいのベッドならひとっ飛びだ~ マトマト...トマト!!
