We were told to come to the animal hospital at 9 am so we all went out and took a detour to take a little walk before we got to the station.
今朝は9時に病院に来てって言われてたので みんなで一緒にお散歩ちょっとしながら駅へ。
Hey Kaiya, follow mommy, ok? Kaiya〜 マミーの後ちゃんとついておいで〜 |
Oops. I see a pigeon ahead. あっ。前方にハト発見。 |
Yep, hunting style...going low and slow. いつもの抜き足差し足。 |
Oh she ran! She's gaining the strength, I guess :))) あっ。走った。 ハト追いかけたくなるくらい元気なのね。よしよし!!(o^^o) |
We are waiting outside the cafe while daddy's getting his coffee.
Hurry up daddy! We gonna miss the train! ダディまだ??電車に乗り遅れちゃうよ! |
It was still a rush hour. The train was packed but, of course, she was being a good girl :)
朝早い時間だったから 電車混んでたけどいい子に乗ってられたねぇ〜。
We are here now at the hospital, waiting at the reception.
Hmmm. I can see a big guy over there. おっ。あっちにでっかいヤツいるなぁ〜。 |
Now here comes another one from this side. あっ こっちからも来た。 |
She's getting temperature taken.
診察室に呼ばれて 体温測ってもらってます。
Seems like she's little nervous... ドキドキ。なんかお尻に入ってきた・・・。 |
The vet told us that she seemed like getting better but to be sure she should stay at the hospital for the day. That's why we left her there until I come and pick her up at night.
獣医さん曰く "よくなってきている" けど今日1日病院で様子を見ましょうってことになったので ここでKaiyaにバイバイしてきました。(>_<)
Finally, I picked her up a couple of hours ago!
They told me that her appetite was back and ate a lot more than yesterday but small portion by small portion. She didn't drink water but she had drips again so she was hydrated.
They gave us the probiotics paste in a syringe and special canned food. I also got a instruction memo how to feed her from the vet.
They were really nice and friendly people. Kaiya liked them, too. But we told each other that we hoped we would not see each other again, and we came home ;p
On the way home, some stranger tried to touch her, and she barked at her. Yep, I see she's getting much better now ;)
今日は食欲が出てきて よく食べるようになったって!水は飲みたがらなかったみたいだけど 点滴してたみたいだから大丈夫そう。
あと注射器みたいのに入ったペースト状のプロバイオティクスを1日に2回あげるのと ご飯は缶詰の特別なご飯を少しずつあげていくようにって獣医さんからのメモをもらって帰ってきましたぁ〜。
I was doing the laundry so I went down the basement to pick up the laundry and came back. Look where she was. On the bed. chilling. lol I thought she was under the dining table when I left but she decided to take over our bed while I was gone ;p
洗濯の途中だったから 洗濯物を取りに地下の洗濯室まで行って帰ってきたら 1人ベッドでくつろいでたこのヒト(笑)
There was a shaved part on her other leg today...no that's where she had a red bandage yesterday. I guess they changed the leg when they gave her the drips.
Oh yeah, I was told that I can take that red bandage off before we go to bed :)
なんか今日は反対側の腕あたりに毛を剃られた跡が・・・。いや あれは昨日赤い包帯してた方だ!今日は点滴するのに反対の足に変えられたんだね。
Then I was sorting and putting away the clean clothes...I felt like I was being watched...yep it's her. lol
We don't have to go to the animal hospital any more so you rest and chill out as much as you want Kaiya!!!
で 私が洗濯物を片付けてたら こんな感じで見られてた(笑)
明日からはもう病院行かなくていいから うちでのんびりしな〜!(^o^)/
おかげさまで だいぶ良くなりました!
Delete食欲もあって 今朝はやわらかいけどしっかりしたウ◯チもして 順調に回復してます!
ReplyDeleteありがとう おじちゃん!
でかい病院だ なんか臭いよ 消毒の匂いか Kaiya~!!