Thursday, November 17, 2016

We are in Sweden! / スウェーデン到着! Nov.15

OMG, it was really long!!!  We landed two nights ago about 23:30 Swedish time.

I was so worried about Mato.  I literally ran to see Mato after getting my baggages.

Mato was totally fine!  He was wagging his tail telling me that he was happy to see me.

At the customs, they checked the microchip reading with the machine and checked the paper.  Everything was fine and we got out there smoothly!

Daddy booked a big cab for us since there were no buses and trains running at that late hours.

Before we hopped on the cab, we took a little walk so he can pee and poo because he didn't do it in the crate at all during the journey.  I thought he wouldn't do it because Kaiya also didn't do at all until she walked on the ground in Sweden.  Oh yeah, he did a big one.  lol

長かったぁ〜!けどスウェーデン時間の昨日じゃなくて もう一昨日の夜11時半くらいに降り立ちましたぁ!日本時間では朝の7時半かな。

Matoが心配で荷物を受け取ってから 走ってMatoの元に行ったら Mato元気!


税関でマイクロチップのチェックと書類のチェックして 問題なしで スムーズに外へ!

夜遅くて 電車もバスもなかったから 荷物が半端ない私たちのためにダディが大きいタクシーを予約してくれてました。ちなみにダディはお家でKaiyaと待機。

そうそう タクシーに乗る前にちょっとトイレをさせるために草の上に行ったら いっぱいオシッコとウンピーをしたぁぁぁ!!

Kaiyaの時もそうだったけど 予想通りMatoはこの20時間近い旅の中で1回もクレートの中で用を足さなかったの。 甲斐犬は綺麗好きだ(o^^o)

After the cab ride, we are finally home!!  Daddy came down to the main entrance!  Nice to meet you, daddy!


Now time to see Kaiya.  It actually didn't go well.  Kaiya wasn't really happy having a new guy at home.  She was showing her teeth and barking.

I actually had a slight hope that they would get along right a way since Alex, Jay and Mato were doing perfectly fine at my parents' home.

But this is all what I expected.  Kaiya usually needs a lot of time to get long with new friends.  It's just gonna take some time for Kaiya and Mato to be good buddies!

さて 家の中に入ってKaiyaにこんにちは・・・だけど Kaiyaさんがちょっとガウガウモード。やっぱりすぐにはうまくいかないよなぁ。

実家のアレックスとジェイとはかなりよろしくやってたから ちょっと期待したけど現実はやっぱり違うもんんだ。


Mato needed some exercise before we go to bed.  We decided to take them to the nearest dog park.

Kaiya's still being hard on Mato but Mato also barked back at her.  He's a tough guy :)

全然運動できてないMatoのために 少し近くのドッグランへ行くことに。

やっぱりKaiyaさん 歯見せたりして ガウガウ。

だけど Matoも負けてない。ちょっと吠え返したりして 怯える様子もなく 肝の据わった子。


  1. KAIYAとMATOの初対面は、ちょっ、とぎくしゃくしていたけれど、これから少しづつお友達になりな。

    1. Kaiyaもアンナもシャイだから 本当に仲良くなるには時間がかかるんだよ!時間が解決するさ〜!

  2. 肝もあるよ、気もあるよ マトマト...トマト!!
