Late walk yesterday.
I took all the boys again :)
These two are very identical ;p
My friends came to see us in the afternoon!
Mato was little afraid of the boy at first but they were having fun together at the end.
友達の子供に遊んでもらったMato。最初はこの男の子が苦手っぽかったけど 最後は一緒になって走って楽しんでた(*^^*)
Jay used to be an unfriendly guy actually when he was younger...nobody could pet him except us, my parents, my brother, my grandma, and me.
Now that he got older and calm, I think he liked it when my friends pet him :)))
昔はかなりのがうがうジェイだったけど もうおじいさんだから素直にみんなに撫でてもらって気持ちいいみたい〜。
One of my friends' kid took Alex for a walk and he's super happy:))
アレックスは子供達にお散歩にも連れてってもらって 満足〜。
In the early evening, I was looking for Mato, calling his name...but no show.
I finally found him here on the bed sleeping. lol
夕方探してもいないなぁと思ったら やっぱりベッドの上で寝てた(笑)
Then he moved and slept again using my leg as a pillow.
I found a tennis ball when I was cleaning. I guess he likes it :))
片付けてたらボールを見つけたから 遊んでみたら ボール好きみたい(^o^)
ホッホッホ~ 男の子はボール遊びです マトマト...トマト!!