On Sunday, I was resting since I wasn't feeling good. But we decided to visit the grave in the evening before we ran out the time.
I took Mato there, too, because it's really close from our home.
日曜日は調子が悪かったけど 夕方 忘れないうちに御墓参りへ。
近所だしね Matoも一緒に。
Mt. Kayagatake 茅ヶ岳 きれいじゃぁ〜。 |
He looks like a fox ;) なんか キツネみたい(笑) |
My grandpa & grandma, and great grandpa & great grandma are sleeping here. おじいちゃん おばあちゃん ひいじいちゃん ひいばあちゃんがここに眠ってます! |
And that's the famous Mt. Fuji :)) こっちには富士サァ〜ン(^o^) |
At the field behind our house in the evening.
夕方の散歩から 家の裏の畑で。
Before he went to bed, Mato got on uncle Kishin's bed and took photos together :)))
He loves fluffy blankets...he might've planned to sleep with uncle Kishin on this very fluffy blanky ;p
夜はおじちゃんのベッドに上がって 希伸おじちゃんとツーショット。
ふかふかのお布団好きだから 降りたくないかな?(笑)
自分のドッグランは最高 走るぞ走る マトマト...トマト!!