It was really warm yesterday!
So nice to chill in the sun. Grandma and I had a tea together in the sun.
気持ちいいから おばあちゃんと縁側でお茶飲みながら日向ぼっこ(o^^o)
Taking all the boys for a walk!!
まったりした後は お散歩ターイム!
He looks like Kaiya in this photo ;)
Mato loves to sniff around and picks up a lot of stuff....
Yesterday, it started with a dead sparrow...
A little while later, Jay and Mato were into something...I went close to them. I found out it was a dead snake... Oh my my....:(((
クンクン匂いを嗅ぐのが好きなMatoくん。いろいろ拾ってくるんだけど 昨日は・・・
まず スズメの死骸を咥えてきて マミーびっくり。
そして 今度は蛇の死骸をジェイと仲良くクンクン(;´Д`A
何か無くしたら Matoに聞いてね すぐ探しちゃう マトマト...トマト!!