New bike! I bought it on black Friday and picked it up on Monday! A cyclocross bike. I'm not planning to race or anything but I was looking for a nice bike which I could ride through the Swedish winter and I thought this kind would work. Very expensive. I do NOT want it to get stolen again so I bought real nice locks too!!! I just love riding the bike and it felt sooooo good back on the bike!
ブラックフライデーに便乗して買っちゃった。金曜に買って月曜にピックアップしに行ってきました!シクロクロスタイプのレースバイク。まぁレースに出るわけじゃないけど 冬の間も乗れるいいバイクを探してたらこれになりました。かなりいいお値段したので もう絶対盗まれないように頑丈なロックも一緒に購入。やっぱり自転車に乗るのは気持ちがいい〜!!!
Yesterday morning!
No one came when we were in the dog park so we left once. Then Kaiya seemed like she wanted to go back. No wonder. There was Chilli in the dog park. Good thing that we came back!
誰もこないからドッグランを後にしたら どうやら戻りたそうなKaiya。それもそのはず。シリィがドッグランに来てた。戻ってみてよかったぜィ!
Kaiya giving tons of kisses to her fovorite Carina! Kaiyaの大好きなカリーナにチュッ。 |
Are you guys kissing? なんだかとっても仲良い雰囲気。 |
Then it happened all the sudden. A band sound like a gun shot sound out of blue. Chilli was just standing like nothing just happened. Kaiya who hates the sound of fireworks got so scared. She was going back and forth in the dog park. Mato didn't seem like he was scared but he followed Kaiya around.
I wonder what that sound was.
Since Kaiya wanted to go home, we went back home right a way.
そしてそして 急にパーン!!!!! 銃声みたいな音が。
まっ とにかくKaiyaがもう家に帰りた過ぎたので この後すぐ帰りました〜。
In the late afternoon, Pac's mommy Marissa came to see Kaiya and Mato!
She loves doggies and she really wanted to see puppy Mato :)))
犬好きマリッサ まだ子犬のMatoに会いたくて仕方がなかったのさぁ(*^^*)
"Are you going home already?"
Marissa gotta go back home to Pac now ;) We'll see her soon again!
マリッサ マリッサ オモチャあんがとさん マトマト...トマト!!
ReplyDeleteえへへ 実はそのおもちゃはマミーが買ってあげたやつ! トマト!!!
Deleteマミー あんがと!! マトマト...トマト!!