I had a little project yesterday to reenforce the fence that my brother and I put out last year and enlarge the area for dogs to go around.
While I was doing that, our boys were helping or not helping but kept me company :)))
Jay had to go to the animal clinic in the morning to take out the teeth which had too much built up tartar. Once they were out, we realized there were only a little roots left and huge chunks were mostly tartar.
Anyways, that's why I thought he needed a little rest so I only took Mato and Alex for a long walk.
昨日は家の周りのフェンスを補強&拡大で その間手伝うのか邪魔をするのか私の近くをウロウロしてた 我が家の甘えん坊男子たち(笑)・・・写真撮るの忘れちゃったけど。
ジェイは獣医さんのところに行って たくさん歯石&歯を抜いてきたので お家で休ませて お散歩はMatoとアレックスだけで行ってきましたぁ〜。
Breakfast time! 朝のお食事タイム。 |
Mato's off the leash here. この辺からMatoはノーリードで。 |
Flying little birds got Mato's attention. He jumped in the field and chased after them for a little while. 鳥さんが飛んでるのに反応して この後畑に入って 走って追っかけまわしてた~_~; |
みんないい人 ひと違い マトマト...トマト!!