Monday, November 28, 2016

Snowstorm / 吹雪いたぁ〜 Nov.27

We went for a morning walk in a little bit of snow fluttering to the park up on the hill.

It was blowing a lot and freezing.  We jogged together to the park to warm ourself up! :)

It probably snowed just a little cuz I could see some white part on the ground.

Kaiya and Mato as usual ran and ran and ran!!


風が強くて すんごっく寒ーい!から みんなで走りながら公園へ向かったよぉ。



Then just before noon, daddy told me to look outside the window.

OMG!!!!! Snowstorm!!!

After about 5 minutes, it stopped and even the sun came out.  I thought it was over. But of course, the snowstorm again!  This went over and over and over pretty much whole day.  That's why everything was totally covered in white!

I had to work from late afternoon.  I took them out before that.

Mato was actually experiencing the falling snow for the first time.  He seemed enjoying it very much ;)

そしてそして 昼ちょっと前。

ダディが 窓の外見てみて! っていうから見たら・・・ガビーン!!!


5分くらい吹雪いたら太陽が出て そしてまた吹雪いての繰り返してで 一瞬のうちに白い世界に変わったよ!

今日は夕方から仕事だから その前にお散歩〜!


We bumped into Simba and we all came to the dog park to play together!  Then Simba's neighbor Cooper came.  Cooper is 6 months old, just a month older than Mato.  He and Mato ran and played sooooo much!!!  

シンバにバッタリ。みんなでドッグランへ行ったら シンバのご近所さんにバッタリ。シンバのご近所さんのクーパーは6ヶ月でMatoと1ヶ月違いだから この2人そうとう遊んだぁ〜!


  1. 線路田線路だ 線路見て ガウガウ Kaiya!Mato~!!

    1. むしろ 線路そっちのけで ガウガウ Kaiya〜!!Mato〜!!
