Sunday, November 20, 2016

Taking a nap on the sofa together on laid back Sunday morning / ソファで二度寝な日曜の朝 Nov.20

We started our walk wondering where we should go this morning.


We walked to the big dog park in Solna this morning!


After long walk and a lot of running, we all took a nap on the sofa together including daddy who I though finally woke up ;p

よく歩いて よく走った後は・・・やっと起きてきたと思ったダディと一緒にソファで二度寝(笑)

It didn't matter if mommy and daddy were up.  They were deep in their dreams ;)


Today's best shot in which they look like they are best buddies.  lol  They sit and wait for the turns to be cleaned after every walk.  This is the only time they are this close to each other ;)

本日の仲良さそうに見える一枚(笑)散歩から帰ってくるとちゃんと並んでお座りして 足キレイにされるのを待つ2人。こんなにお互い近くにちょこんと座るのはこの時だけ。(^_-)