First of all, we went to the Ooishi park by the Lake Kawaguchi.
You can see the whole Mt. Fuji from there across the lake.
おばあちゃんが富士山に行ったことがないから 五合目まで行ってきましたぁ〜!
Took this photo when we were in the car. 車から撮った富士山。 |
Leaves are getting colored :) 紅葉も綺麗〜! |
We are here!
It was cloudy but we could still see the whole Mt.Fuji!
...well, that's grandma and Nana getting photo taken behind Mato. lol
到着!曇ってたけど ギリギリ富士山全部見える〜!
We took this toll road called Fuji subaru line to get there.
お次は富士スバルラインで 五合目を目指します!
We are here!!!
I should've wore little more layers...totally forgot it's colder up there.
Mato, on the other hand, seemed like didn't care about this coldness and pooed huge one immediately after we got off the car. lol
山をあなどってたぁ〜。風もあるし 寒さが違う!
そんなことは関係ないMato氏は 着いた早々でっかりウン◯をして どっからこんなに出てくるんだろうと感心したマミー。(笑)
Nana getting comfy in the backpack :) 寒がりナナはバックパックに入って移動。(笑) |
We were able to take the dogs in the souvenir store :)) Nice people
We took a look for a while in the store...Mato was very popular there.
Many people came and said hi to Mato.
By the time we were leaving this place the Mt. Fuji was pretty much covered with the clouds.
そういえばお土産屋さんにワンちゃんたちも入れたから みんなで回ってたらいろんな人に "可愛いねぇ〜" って言われてちやほやされたMato氏。(*^^*)
そんなこんなで 帰るときには雲がこんなにかかって もうすでに富士山のてっぺんは見えなくなってた!
At night, when I was practicing playing piano, he was totally asleep on the sofa behind me :)))
Sweet dreams Mato!
夜は私がピアノ弾いてたら 後ろのソファでグデーって寝てた(笑)
あ~!! パパの昼寝場をとった~ マトマト...トマト!!