Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Mato 27th day at my parents' home (2016/11/02) / Mato 実家27日目

It was a exciting day.  We visited Amari Sakuragi Kennel to see Mato's dad and mom!!!

"Hello, mom!"

I wonder if they remembered each other...

今日はなんとなんと Matoのお父さんとお母さんに会いに行ってきました 甘利桜木犬舎へ!!!

"お母さん こんにちわ!"


This is his mom named Komugi.  She's a small, slim and beautiful girl.  I think Mato looks like her.


And this is Mato's dad named Ren.  His real name is Amari no Ryusei who's the grand champion of the 143th Kai Ken Aigokai dog show.

He was excited when we got there and barking a lot at first...probably people would think he's scary but he got used to us eventually.  He's really a kind and cute guy :)))

And he is handsome, of course!!!

こちらはMatoのお父さんのレン(呼び名)。実は 第143回甲斐犬愛護会展覧会の総合優良犬優勝した 甘利乃龍聖号 なのです。

私たちが来たら 興奮して吠えてばっかりだったけど 優しい可愛い子だぁ〜(*^^*)

そして これまたハンサム君❤︎

This girl is Hime, Ren's sister.  Moreover, she is Ken's mother! ...those of you who don't know Ken, Ken is the youngest male dog in Minami Alps Kennel.

This is why Ken and Mato are cousins ;)

I've seen Hime's picture before and I really thought she was such a beauty.  Now I've seen her for real, she was even more beautiful.  

She's also a cuddly girl who wanted us to pet her all the time :))))

こちらは ヒメ。 レンの妹。 そして 南アルプス犬舎のケンのお母さん!

だから ケンとMatoは従兄弟同士なんです(o^^o)

ヒメがまた 美人なんだわぁ〜。前に写真で見た時べっぴんさんだぁ〜って思ったけど 実物見てうっとりだよねぇ〜。"撫でて撫でて" って甘えん坊さんだったよ(-_^)

This is Ken's dad, Kuma.

He is a huge guy.  Despite the look, he's super cuddly!!  I pet him as much time as I had but it wasn't enough for him :p

I think Ken has Kuma's face.

こちらはケンのお父さん クマ。

クマは がたいが良くて とっても大きな子だけど 見た目によらず甘えん坊でちょーキュート。すんごく甘えてくるからけっこー長いこと撫でてあげたよぉ。




Ahahahaha!  What's that face!? lol  Maybe he wants me to pet him more :p

変顔(笑)もっと撫でて欲しくて 不満そうな顔したのかな?ww

Now this guy is also huge like Kuma...even bigger I think.

He's name is Taiga.  He looks like a buff masculine guy but actually he's shy :)  I really wanted to be friends with this cool and nice looking guy like him, but he didn't leave the side of his owner.  I didn't get to say hi...:(

You know why he's such a hunk?  He's one of the sons of Kai and Natsu from Minami Alps Kennel.  Taiga and Kaiya are half-bother and half-sister :)  I think a lot of you know this but Kai is the guy I'm always in love with.  Taiga has the face of Kai with long muzzle like Natsu.

そして こちらもクマと同じく 体の大きいタイガ。

シャイな子で飼い主のお父さんの側から離れなくて なかなか挨拶できなかったけど 凛々しくてカッコよかったぁ〜。

そうそう なんでこんなにこの子がカッコイイかっていうと この子は南アルプス犬舎の私が惚れてる男カイ君とナツちゃんの子供なんだよ〜!だからKaiyaとも血が繋がってるの。


And at last, this charming little guy is Ryu.  Ryu is the oldest in this kennel, 8 years old.  But I really think he is the most cuddly one.  He was smiling whole the time and asking us to pet him ;)

そして最後に この愛嬌のある顔の子はリュウ!1番の古株で8歳なんだって。多分1番甘えん坊さんかもね。ずーっと笑顔で撫でてって言ってたよ。

Today's walk to the river!

I used to come here and fish with my brother and friends.

I didn't remember that the levee was this high and steep.  I'm amazed at myself 25 years back going easily down to the river ;p

Alex has a bad foot and Mato is too small.  We decided to stay on the levee and continue our walk.



何気にこの堤防が結構急で よくここを降りてたなって小さい頃の自分にビックリ(笑)

アレックスは足が悪いし Matoも小さくて危ないから 川の近くまで降りないで 堤防の上でお散歩ね。

おっ。ちょっと浮いたかな??^ ^

色んなもの引っ付けてきたねぇ アレックス(笑)

1 comment:

  1. 良いお散歩道でした 夏は草がいっぱいで入れません 良かったね マトマト...トマト!! 
