Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Morning happiness / 幸福の朝 May 28

My alarm went off.  I tried to reach my left hand to stop it and I realized I almost hit someone.
Mommy's boy was sleeping right next to me :))))))
The happiest morning♡

アラームが鳴って 左手を伸ばすと バシって誰か叩きそうになった・・・


いやぁ 幸せな朝だ♡

Kaiya also wanted to join.  As soon as she relized I was awake, she jumped up on the bed and came to my other side.  Then upside down and showing off everything. lol

Kaiyaさんも遅ればせながらベッドにのってきて 逆隣で逆さまパッカーン(笑)

My horrific 10 consecutive working days are over finally.
I truly thought I'd be dead.  I got bit fed up with this murderous schedule so I changed myself and got 4 days off starting from tomorrow ;)))
What should we do during these 4 days...??? ;))


マミー連続出勤に長時間労働で 相当頑張ったよ!

まじ死ぬかと思った〜。殺人的なスケジュールを組まれたから 頭にきて自分でスケジュールを変えて明日から4連休〜(о´∀`о)


Btw, the sky was very beautiful this evening.



  1. ベッドで遊んでくれる、うらやましいね~!!
