Rainy morning.
It was actually raining hard that Kaiya didn't really want to take a walk but we did it anyways ;)
ザーザー降ってて 乗り気じゃないKaiyaだったけど とりあえずあさんぽしてきた〜!
Today is the election day for the European Parliament.
Local schools are used for polling places and every time we passed by schools we saw this kind of signs.
Vallokal means the polling place.
学校が選挙会場になってるらしく 学校の近くを通るたびにこんな看板をみたよ〜。
Vallokalってのが選挙会場。 valが選挙って意味で lokalが会場ってことだよ。
Mato |
I took Kaiya and Mato to work today. For the afternoon walk, we took walk around the work place instead of in our neighborhood.
今日は一緒に出勤したKaiyaとMatoだから 午後の散歩は近所じゃなくて仕事場の近くで散歩したよぉ〜!
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato |
Mato |
Mato |
By the ways, it's also Mother's day today.
Mother's day in Japan is always the second Sunday in May so it was 12th this year but Swedish Mother's day was today ;)
It seemed like a lot of people ate out for the mother's day dinner.
日本の母の日は5月の第2日曜だけど スウェーデンは今日だったんだよぉ(о´∀`о)
だから 母の日ディナーを外で食べる人が多かったよぉ〜。
Kaiya |
Kaiya |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Guys, mommy's gonna go work now, stay in the office and be good :))
ではでは KaiyaとMato オフィスでお留守番よろしく!
ReplyDelete過ごしやすくはなったんだけど 今週はちょいと気温が下がり気味でTシャツで歩き回れない感じ。散歩をすると温かくなって気持ちいけどね(о´∀`о)