Friday, May 31, 2019

Family day / 家族サービス May 30

I've been working too much that I didn't have a lot of time for Kaiya and Mato.  
Today is the day for Kaiya and Mato.
We went to the woods in the morning!

仕事ばっかりでなかなか長い散歩に行けなかったから 今日は家族サービスの日 or Kaiya&Matoのための日。




Then we continued our walk to the cliff.  Kaiya seems not interested in this view ;p

久しぶりに崖の上まできたけど Kaiyaはこの景色に興味なし(笑)




We walk a lot.  Probably for 2 hours.  Took the train to go home ;)

2時間もお散歩したから 帰りは電車〜(о´∀`о)

Kaiya loves to lie down in the middle of the aisle :(


Nap time!


Thursday, May 30, 2019

The first day / 初日 May 29

On the first day of mommy's 4 straight day-offs, we chilled.

Easy walks.  Though mommy went to the gym to work out for the first time in four days.  Which doesn't happen so often being away from the gym for that long.  So my body needed some exercise.

マミーの4連休の初日は ダラダラの1日にしたよ〜。



4日ぶりのジムかな?そんなに日にちをあけることがなかったから 体が運動を欲してた〜(笑)

Beautiful blue sky but blowing a lot and chilly day.

空は青くて清々しいのに 風が吹いて涼しすぎる日だったよ。

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Morning happiness / 幸福の朝 May 28

My alarm went off.  I tried to reach my left hand to stop it and I realized I almost hit someone.
Mommy's boy was sleeping right next to me :))))))
The happiest morning♡

アラームが鳴って 左手を伸ばすと バシって誰か叩きそうになった・・・


いやぁ 幸せな朝だ♡

Kaiya also wanted to join.  As soon as she relized I was awake, she jumped up on the bed and came to my other side.  Then upside down and showing off everything. lol

Kaiyaさんも遅ればせながらベッドにのってきて 逆隣で逆さまパッカーン(笑)

My horrific 10 consecutive working days are over finally.
I truly thought I'd be dead.  I got bit fed up with this murderous schedule so I changed myself and got 4 days off starting from tomorrow ;)))
What should we do during these 4 days...??? ;))


マミー連続出勤に長時間労働で 相当頑張ったよ!

まじ死ぬかと思った〜。殺人的なスケジュールを組まれたから 頭にきて自分でスケジュールを変えて明日から4連休〜(о´∀`о)


Btw, the sky was very beautiful this evening.


Monday, May 27, 2019

Election day / 選挙の日 May 26

Rainy morning.
It was actually raining hard that Kaiya didn't really want to take a walk but we did it anyways ;)

ザーザー降ってて 乗り気じゃないKaiyaだったけど とりあえずあさんぽしてきた〜!

Today is the election day for the European Parliament.  
Local schools are used for polling places and every time we passed by schools we saw this kind of signs.
Vallokal means the polling place.


学校が選挙会場になってるらしく 学校の近くを通るたびにこんな看板をみたよ〜。

Vallokalってのが選挙会場。 valが選挙って意味で  lokalが会場ってことだよ。


I took Kaiya and Mato to work today.  For the afternoon walk, we took walk around the work place instead of in our neighborhood. 

今日は一緒に出勤したKaiyaとMatoだから 午後の散歩は近所じゃなくて仕事場の近くで散歩したよぉ〜!





By the ways, it's also Mother's day today.
Mother's day in Japan is always the second Sunday in May so it was 12th this year but Swedish Mother's day was today ;)
It seemed like a lot of people ate out for the mother's day dinner.


日本の母の日は5月の第2日曜だけど スウェーデンは今日だったんだよぉ(о´∀`о)

だから 母の日ディナーを外で食べる人が多かったよぉ〜。




Guys, mommy's gonna go work now, stay in the office and be good :))

ではでは KaiyaとMato オフィスでお留守番よろしく!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Early morning walk / 早朝散歩 May 25

Yesterday mommy had to work whole day and got home really late at night.
We were cuddling on the bed right after I got home.  Then I fell asleep!!  It was five in the morning when I woke up.  All the lights were on and I didn't even take them for the last walk before they went to sleep.
Sorry Kaiya and Mato :(((
We took the morning walk even before six o'clock today ;)

昨日は一日中仕事で夜は遅くなって 帰ってきてちょっとベッドの上でKaiyaとMatoとイチャイチャしてたらそのまま寝ちゃった〜!!!

寝る前の散歩もせずに電気はつけっぱで 目が冷めたのは朝の5時。

ごめんよぉ〜 Kaiya&Mato。

ってことで 早朝6時前の散歩〜!



Weather wasn't nice today.  Cloudy and chilly.
When we took the afternoon walk, it was still chilly.



Thursday, May 23, 2019

From Tropical to Scandinavia / 熱帯から北欧 May 23

We had such tropical weather yesterday, and today it went back to the usual Swedish weather.
Cloudy, rainy, and chilly...
 This is what happens when we can't take long walks ;p

昨日とは打って変わって 今日は雨で一気に気温が下がったよ。

ので 長い散歩ができないので こんな感じの今日。

Yesterday, on the other hand, it reached up to 26 or 27°C and felt like the real summer!
Mommy was so hyped!!
We ate ice cream together when we took the afternoon walk after work.

昨日は26度とか27度くらいまで上がって 真夏のような日でマミーのテンション上がりまくり。

仕事から帰ってから 午後のお散歩はみんなでアイスクリーム食べたのだ(^_−)−☆


On the evening, mommy went out to have dinner with a friend.
I had a craving for falafel.  We met up at Skanstull in Södermalm and went to the place called Falloumi where I'd wanted to go to.
Unlike other places in Stockholm, this place had really nice interior deco that I liked. 
Though it was packed when we got there.  I couldn't get good photos :(


ソラマメのコロッケ ファラーフェルをちょっと気になってたお店 Falloumi っていうお店へ食べにSödermalm (ソーデルマルム)まで行ってきたよ。

最寄りの駅はSkanstull (スカンストゥール)。

ストックホルムにしては珍しく内装が凝ってて可愛い店内だったけど 混んでていい写真が全然取れなかった。

Here it comes :))))

そして じゃじゃん。

My friend ordered a bowl, and I ordered falafels in pita bread and sweet potato fries.
Super delicious!

友達はファラフェル丼みたいの頼んで マミーはピタパンサンドとさつまいものフライドポテト。


We took a walk a bit after the falafel and then the desert.
Organic gelateria Stikkinikki.  They even have vegan gelato, too.

食後は少し散歩をして デザート。

ヴィーガンのアイスも置いてるオーガニックのジェラート屋Stikkinikki (スティッキニッキ)。

I chose two kinds, Ricotta and Turkish honey yogurt.
Both of them were exactly the same white color and they got all mixed  ;p

マミーは2種類 リコッタチーズのと トルコヨーグルトはちみつ風味のにしたよぉ〜。

両方同じ真っ白で どこにどれがあるのやら・・・(笑)

We continued walking while having the ice cream ;)))


This is about 8 pm.  Still nice and bright.  So nice that we can enjoy taking a walk with light in the late evening.


日が長くなったから 散歩がいつまでもできて楽しい〜!