Thursday, June 21, 2018

Crazy Mato Jun. 22


My long weekend started!!

I've waited this for a long time😭

The last few weeks were horrible and cruel.

Time to spend a lot of time with my kids!!

This morning Kaiya led us to the woods but she didn't really want to go in the woods as she usually did. lol





ってことで Kaiyaさんの要望で森まで来たのに 森には入りたがらず(笑)

Typical.  I'm finally off work for 4 days and it's gonna rain for whole weekend.😩

But rain is not always a bad thing.

Today it was still a regular work day for most of people plus it was raining so there weren't any people at all in this nice large area covered by the lawn.😆...there usually a lot of people sunbathing when it's sunny especially on weekends.

I was actually bit concern though since many bikes usually pass on the paved trail.
But seriously no bikes and no human came...

Guys, have fun!!!💨



今日はまだ一般には平日だったし雨だしで この森近くの芝の広場に誰もいなーーーい😆

いつもは自転車もいっぱい通るとこだから ちょっとドキドキだったけど とにかく走ってこぉい💨

It seemed like they knew my concern...they only ran and had fun on the lawn and never put a paw on the pavement.👍


Feels like I say this all the time but they really get hyper and run a lot in the nature......not at all in the dog park. lol

I had fun just watching you guys 😊

ドッグランでは走んないのに いつものことだけど自然の中だとテンション上がりまくるよねぇ〜。

マミーは見てるだけだけど 同じく楽しいぞ😊

Well, Kaiya refuses to go home unless we stop at this little beach whenever we came to the woods so here we are!

Something triggered Mato and he went craaaaaaazy!!!😂😂😂

いつもの通り 森に来たらこの小さいビーチに寄らないと気が済まないKaiyaさんの為に 暫くここで遊んでたら なぜかMatoのスイッチが入った😂😂😂

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