It was already hot when we went out in the morning.
It went up to 29°C today.
Since I didn't have to work early today, we took a slow and easy walk in the morning.
But although it was hot and it was in the dog park, they started to do the chasing game and ran a lot! Well, that was rare.
暑かったのに 珍しくドッグランで追いかけっこ始まった!
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
That's the dogs in the doggy daycare taking a walk. It's a group of small breeds.
The chasing game's interrupted. My kids were into them instead.
いっぱいワンちゃんたちがいるから そっちが気になってしょうがなくて追いかけっこは一旦中断。
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Mato |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Mato |
After Kaiya and Mato played a lot, we took a break in the shade on the lawn before we went home :)
いっぱい遊んだあとは 日陰で休憩してから帰ったよぉ〜。
Kaiya |