Hey! Sorry, I was away for more than a couple of days...I got a bad cold...a high fever and couldn't get out of bed from Thursday to Saturday.
I usually get some signal when I get a cold but this time it all started suddenly. I wasn't ready for it at all.
I'm not 100% yet but 90% recovered now so no worries, guys!
The truth is that I had to be able to walk by today because we were supposed to travel to Rättvik, Dalarna.
Every year we celebrate Christmas with Simba's family at their summer house in Rättvik and I drive 3-4 hours.
This year I didn't wanna drive so we bought the train tickets more than a month ago. It was a real good idea ;)
The center of Stockholm on Christmas eve morning looks like this.
Bit more snow than the last time I was outside on Thursday.
100%本調子ではないけど 90%くらいまで回復したのでご心配なく!!!
気合いを入れて治したのも 今日はダーラナ地方のレットヴィークへ出かける日!
毎年車で行ってシンバの家族とクリスマスを過ごすのですが 今年は車を運転するのがめんどくさくなってしまったマミーなので 1ヶ月以上前から電車のチケット取ってたの!
病み上がりだったから電車に行くことにしてて ちょーラッキー(^^)
We are here at the Stockholm Centralstation for long distance trains.
We are on the train and let's go!
This train had a car in which dogs were allowed, and of course, we booked our seats there.
The car wasn't big and there weren't many seats than I thought.
There were a huge dog, a middle size dog, a small dog and even a cat :))
Kaiya behaved very well but cocky Mato...he growled at first. He got used to being with other dogs little by little though.
さて 電車に乗ってしゅっぱーつ!
この長距離の電車はワンちゃんが乗ってもいい車両が決まっていて もちろんそこを予約しましたよぉ。
この車両狭かったけど 大きいワンちゃんや小型のワンちゃんや猫ちゃんまでいた〜!
Kaiyaは全然平気だったけど ガウガウMato君は最初唸って生意気ちゃんだったけどだんだん平気になったよ。
Mato |
Yes, of course, Kaiya always wants to sit in the middle of the aisle :(
You know, the ride was quite comfy with spacious legrooms and big comfortable seats.
We are here!
So much snow!!! Stockholms snow was nothing!! :p
Simba's daddy and Per came and pick us up :))
As soon as we got home we took off to take a walk.
It was about 3 hours train ride. We all needed to stretch our legs.
電車に3時間ちょい乗ってたから 運動 運動〜!
She can't help herself....w
It was about -13°C, I think.
Look at everyone's face!!!! LOL
Mato |
Kaiya |
Simba |
Fog. Couldn't see ahead.
We found someone was taking a walk with dog with the sled. Looks fun :))
The fog's gone and finally can see the view! Beautiful!
Kaiya and Mato enjoyed the walk without the leash. They ran a lot!
KaiyaもMatoもノーリードでのびのびお散歩できて よく走ってたよ!
And again. She can't help herself. lol
We had a early dinner. So much fooooooooood ;)))))