Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Kaiya's feeling little different / いつもと違う感じのKaiya Oct. 31

Oooooh I was sooooo exhausted yesterday.

I worked almost 12 hours, and I just fell asleep on the sofa last night.

Early in the morning, even before my alarm went off, I thought I kicked something and opened my eyes.  There Mato was sleeping by my feet.

He kept me company on the sofa :))))

Sorry baby I kicked you :(((

ひょ〜〜〜〜 昨日はマジ疲れた〜。

長時間労働で疲れきったマミー ソファーで寝落ちしちゃったよぉ。

明け方 何かを蹴った気がして見て見たら 足元にMatoが寝てた。



The exhausting day started with a nice little Japanese dog gathering morning since we bumped into Taro!


Then after that, Kaiya and Mato went to work with us and stayed at the office yesterday.

They got some pieces of salmon and both of them were super happy ;))))


同僚からサーモンもらって 大喜びの2人だったよ。

Unlike the rainy day yesterday, it was sunny this morning!

Plus, the coldness disappeared, too, and I think it went up to 10°C today.

Somehow Kaiya wasn't usual Kaiya.  She usually tries to hunt Mato down when we come to the dog park.  Just after we came in, she wanted to go out of the dog park so she was already waiting at the exit gate. lol

1日中雨だった昨日とは打って変わって 今朝は太陽が出た〜!

そして昨日までの寒さが嘘だったかのように 今日は10度まで上がった見たい。

だけどKaiyaさん いつもはMato狩りを始めるんだけど 今日はドッグラン来て少したったら もう出たいらしく出口に自分から向かって待ってよ(笑)

And she was little slow, too.

Right now she's on her heat and feeling bit different than usual, I guess.


ただいまヒート中だから いつもとは少し気分も違う感じね。

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Inner clocks / 体内時計 oct. 29

Yesterday, on Sunday, daylight saving time ended and we set the clock one hour back.

But Kaiya and Mato's own inner clocks are still set on the summer time, of course.

Mommy's been waken up by them earlier than the alarm both yesterday and today :((


だけど KaiyaとMatoの体内時計はまだ夏時間のまま。

昨日も今日もいつもより早くに起こされてるマミーです(T ^ T)

This morning we got a little surprise when we came outside.

I guess it snowed again during the night.  Streets were covered by thin layers of snow!




Monday, October 29, 2018

Snooooooooow / 雪だぁぁぁ Oct. 28

When we were taking a walk this morning, I realized it was snowing.

Since it was a tiny tiny bit that I didn't think I could say it was snowing.

朝散歩をしてたら チラチラ雪が舞ってきた。

けど ほんのちょびっとだったから 雪降ったうちに入らないなぁ〜なんて思ってたら・・・


Then when we were a couple minutes away from home after the afternoon walk, it started to snow for real!


It was blowing, too, and I wanted to go home right a way but Kaiya didn't. lol

なんか横殴りな感じだし早く帰ろうとしたら Kaiyaさんこれ。(笑)

Snow loving Kaiya's protest ;p


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Cold Beautiful Exciting morning walk / 寒い・綺麗・興奮なあさんぽ Oct. 26

Mommy had a day off.

Let's go for a long walk, guys!!!

It was -1°C this morning and we walked on the frost-covered grass.

マミー お休みの日。

長い散歩行くぞ みなのもの〜♪( ´θ`)ノ

今朝はマイナス1度で霜が降りている中 森へ!

Ready. Set.




After the first run, they were busy sniffing around and didn't run like they usually do.

Especially Kaiya, who usually provokes Mato to run with her, was on alart of some sort.

I put the leash back on them and walked further.

As soon as we came out from the woods, I knew why.

It's a deer!!! and was taking a walk on the paved road alone. lol

A while later 2 more came out while we were waiting her to go away.


特にいつもMatoを誘って走りたがるKaiyaが辺りを警戒し始めたから リードを付けて先に進むことに。

森出たら 原因がわかった〜!!!!!



Kaiya got excited but she could be calm but Mato was almost out of control.

Kaiyaはじっとしてたけど Matoが興奮しすぎて大変〜!

Finally, the deer went away and we could continue our walk up to the cliff!

It was as beautiful as usual ;)

やっと鹿さんたちが去った模様なので 先に進んで崖の上まできた〜!



The sun went up higher and it got warmer.


Isn't it too cold, Kaiya?

Kaiyaさん 水冷たくないんかい?

You, too, Mato?

Matoくんも 冷たくないんかい?

Everyone was getting hungry, especially mommy, because we were outside for more than 2 hours.

We took the sub home on the way back ;)

2時間以上外にいたから お腹めっちゃ減った〜!!!・・・特にマミーね。

帰りは地下鉄で帰ったよぉ〜( ̄▽ ̄)


Friday, October 26, 2018

Chilli in action / 元気シリィ Oct. 25

Both yesterday and today, we took the morning walk together with Chilli and Carina :)))

It's been a while to see them and Kaiya couldn't stop giving kisses to her favorite Carina!


久しぶりに会ったもんだから Kaiyaさんは大好きなカリーナにキス攻撃しまくり!

Chilli is usually a cool and calm guy but he was very excited somehow!

いつもクールガイなシリィだけど 珍しく興奮して走ってた〜!

Oh, Kaiya.  It's time to start it, huh?

あ。Kaiyaさん 始めるんですね。

Are you gonna join them, Chilli?


I guess not....he seemed like he wanted to but he didn't know how ;p

と思いきや・・・仲間に入りたいけど どうすればいいか分からないご様子(^^;)

Then he ran after them again :)))

でも気になるから やっぱり後を追いかけて行くシリィ(о´∀`о)

Yesterday morning was 2 °C and this morning was 3 °C.,,seems like winter is already here.

But these three enjoy it :)

昨日も今日も 朝は2度とか3度とか もう冬みたいな寒さ〜。

だけど この3人にはこのくらいがちょうどいい見たいね(´∀`)

Monday, October 22, 2018

Energetic from the morning / 朝から元気! Oct. 22

Getting colder and colder.

I need a thick jacket for the morning walk lately.

Coldness doesn't matter for these two.   Just as energetic as usual in the morning!




Sunday, October 21, 2018

Grey heron? / アオサギ? Oct. 21

Quiet morning.

I let Kaiya walk by herself...though



!!!  I see someone is taking a walk alone...


Before Kaiya noticed him, I put the leash back on her and then we passed by him...

Yep.  Kaiya was too curious and didn't seem like she wanted to leave him alone.

Kaiyaさんが気づく前にリードをつけてから 側を通ったら・・・


I wonder what kind a bird he or she is.

We don't see this kind that often around here but we've actually seen exactly like him a while ago...maybe the same guy?

It could be Grey Heron??


滅多に見ない種類だけど ちょっと前にもこの辺で1羽見たなぁ〜。同じヒトかしら?


Morning walk with daddy / ダディとあさんぽ Oct. 20

Because Mommy stayed up late last night watching the series that I'm into now, daddy took the kids out for the morning walk this morning!!!!!

This doesn't happen often. lol

And they went to the woods and enjoyed the long and fun walk!

Thanks, daddy!

ハマってしまったシリーズを見て夜更かししたマミーに変わって 珍しくダディが朝の散歩をしてくれた今日。


ダディ サンクス!
Mato (left)               Kaiya (right)

Daddy had a day off but mommy had to work this evening.

After I came back, they kept me company on the bed chilling ;)))

ダディはお仕事休みだったけど マミーは夕方からお仕事。

帰ってきてから 2人と一緒にベッドの上でまったり〜(о´∀`о)

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Friday fun night / 楽しい金曜日の夜 Oct. 19

Mommy had a day off today and we decided to have a late morning walk.


It was already 10 am but my phone said it was -1°C!!!

The winter is slowly coming closer.

今日はマミー仕事休みで朝はゆっくり遅めの散歩だったんだけど 寒い。

もう朝の10時まわってたんだけど スマホみたら -1°C だって!


Since daddy didn't had to work in the evening, we went to play shuffleboard with Simba's family.

We went to the billiard place close to our work.  They also have shuffleboard and ping pong. 

夜はダディも仕事がなかったから シンバの家族と一緒にシャフルボードをしに行ってきたよ〜。

仕事場の近くにあるビリヤードできるところなんだけど そこにシャフルボードや卓球もあるんだよね。

Those of you who don't know shuffleboard, it's a game in which players push the pucks on the long rectangular board to the scoring area.

シャフルボードってのはこの長いコートの上でディスクを滑らせて反対側にある得点盤上に到達させて 得点をきそうゲーム。

In order for the pucks to smoothly slide, you scatter sand on the board.  And that sand is the key if the pucks slide too fast or curve a lot.  It's harder than it looks but sometimes beginner's luck plays a big role and all kinds of things happen and you can't really expect anything ;p

滑りやすいようにコートの上には砂を散りばめるんだけど その砂の加減とかで滑りすぎたり曲がったりで 意外に難しかったり ビギナーズラックで上手く行ったりで 結構予想不能なゲームになって面白いんだよ(^O^)

After playing shuffleboard for a couple of hours, we came home first to pick Kaiya and Mato then went to Simba's home. 

We had very delicious dinner together and ate sooooooooo much!

Such a fun Friday night we had ;)))

数時間シャフルボードで遊んで楽しんだら 家に帰ってKaiyaとMatoを連れてシンバのお家へ。


Kaiya (left) and Mato (right) under the dinning table at Simba's

Totoro's tree / トトロの木 Oct. 18

Daddy and mommy had to work whole day so Kaiya and Mato came to work together.

ダディとマミーが1日お仕事だったので 一緒に仕事行ったKaiyaとMato。

In the morning, we went to the dog park near the work place.

I didn't notice it before but we found a tree with a big hole by the roots...looks like the tree where forest spirit Totoro lives ;))

朝の散歩は仕事場の近くのドッグランに行ったら 今まで気づかなかったけど こんな木を発見。

なんだか トトロが住んでる木みたいだ!!

He wasn't home thought ;p

どうやら お留守のようだったけどね(笑)

At the work place, I asked Mato to wait behind the curtain just for a while but he couldn't resist. lol

仕事場で カーテンの後ろでちょっと待ってて言ってるのに どうしても出てきたがるMatoですw

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

When I went to the bed room... / ベッドルーム行ったら・・・ Oct. 16

Kaiya was sleeping on her bed and Mato was sleeping on my bed.

Adorable two♡

Night night!

Kaiyaは自分のベッドで Matoは私のベッドで寝てた〜。



Sunday, October 14, 2018

Ramen / ラーメン Oct. 14

This week has been really warm.  During the day, it gets up to 19 °C.

When we took a walk this morning, the sun was shining and already getting warm.

It became a beautiful autumn morning walk :)



秋晴れの気持ちいい あさんぽになったよぉ(^O^)


And Mato is being targeted again...





Both of them ran and play a lot this morning again :)))


And walked a lot on the carpet of fallen leaves.


Both mommy and daddy were off from work today.  This doesn't happen a lot so we went out this afternoon.

Unfortunately, Kaiya and Mato stayed home.

Mommy wanted to go to this store in Södermalm so we went there first.

It's an interior shop called Fat Cat.

今日は珍しくマミーもダディもお休みだったから 午後からお出かけしてきたよ。


マミーが行きたかったお店があったから 本日はセーデルマルム島(Södermalm)へ。

Fat Cat って言う雑貨や家具を売っているインテリアのお店。

The shop was filled with tons of furniture and small gadgets which were smartly displayed.

I just loved most of the stuff they had and wanted to buy a lot!!!



Unfortunately,  the goods weren't cheep at all.

These are what I bought today.  A dog candle holder and a book-form box.

Doesn't the dog's nose remind you Matos' nose?? lol

でもお値段も張るので 本日の収穫は イヌ型のキャンドルホールダーと本型の小物入れ箱。


Since one of daddy's friends was with us, too, we decided to fika after shopping.

There are actually cute cafes in Södermalm.  It's my first time to come to this one.

ダディの友達も一緒にいたから 買い物した後はみんなでフィーカしたよ。

セーデルマルムは可愛いカフェとか多いんだけど ここは初めてきた。

I got a carrot cake and a chai latte.

Yum yum! Super good;)



After fika, we went to eat ramen!

To this restaurant called Blue light Yokohama.

Usually it's an Izakaya style restaurant but only Sundays they serve only ramen noodles.

This was my first time eating this place.

I haven't had a good ramen experience in Sweden.... let's see how it is here.



普段は居酒屋スタイルなレストランらしいんだけど 日曜だけはラーメンだけを提供してるらしく 初めて行ってきた。

こっちのラーメンは残念なものした出会ったことないから ここはどうかな???

I ordered a spicy tonkotsu miso ramen.

Yes!!!!! This is real Japanese!!!

Although it looks very spicy in the photo,  it wasn't spicy at all. lol

Still, delicious!!! I was so satisfied!


うん これは日本のラーメン!

写真は辛そうな色に映っちゃったけど 全然辛くなかった(笑)

でも 美味しかったよ〜!!!

I usually eat gyoza dumplings when I eat ramen but this place didn't have gyoza :(((

Instead, we ordered Tatsuta kara aga chicken with ponzu sauce with grated daikon radish.

This one wasn't something I was imagined...I wanted a lot of daikon radish but only a tiny bit in the sauce.

Whole this costed 125 Swedish krona which is pretty expensive.

Oh well, I was happy anyways being able to eat the real Japanese ramen ;)



その代わり 竜田揚げおろしポン酢ソースを頼んだけど 想像とだいぶ違っておろしがあんまりなくて これで125クローナ(日本円で1550円くらいかな)・・・高い。

でも久しぶりにラーメン食べれたから まいっかぁ(о´∀`о)