I'm exhausted...
I worked pretty much whole day.
I had a couple of hours in between the shifts so I ran home about 6 km.
Then I went back to work.
Now I'm falling asleep but I'm gonna put some Kaiya's photos of the day!
ほぼ1日中仕事で 中抜けの数時間の間に6km走って1度家に帰ってみた(笑)
それからまた仕事に戻って 只今睡魔と格闘中(^^;)
In the morning 朝の散歩時 |
During the day. Chilling with daddy on the bed. ダディーとベッドの上でゴロゴロ〜 |
Cuddling right after I came home. 私が仕事から帰ってきてうれしくてちょっと甘えん坊さ〜ん(^^) |
マミー 会えてうれしいよ KAIYA~!!