Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A satisfying day

Yappiiii, no work today!

I got up early (Kaiya, too) and did laundry along with taking a walk with Kaiya.

When we went to the dog park, 

there were Shilli and 2 Scottish terrier boys who we met before!

Kaiya's heat is almost ending and they were all boys trying to sniff her.

She was barking a bit to say no to the boys.

Yes, you are very mature and independent woman, Kaiya!

今日は 仕事休み〜!

朝早くに起きて洗濯しながら Kaiyaのお散歩に出て


そして 前に会ったスコティッシュテリアの男の子2匹もいたぁ〜!

ヒート終わりかけで 男の子に囲まれて 威嚇しまくってたKaiyaさん


After the walk, cuddling a bit in between the laundry,

家帰ってきて 洗濯の続きをしながら 合間の時間に ゴロゴロ〜

Daddy's up.  Time to cuddle with daddy!

ダディも起きたし 今度はダディとゴロゴロ〜

This is how she stands by for us to say "let's go for a walk." lol


Afternoon walk.  To the pet supply store Zoo to buy some Kaiya's food!

On the way, we stopped the place where Kaiya loves to run like cazy!

午後の散歩〜! みんなでKaiyaさんのご飯を買いにZooへ行くぞ〜!

途中 いつもKaiyaさんが走り回って楽しむ場所へ



In the evening, we visited Simba to have delicious dinner :)

夕方は ご飯をゴチになりに シンバの家へ!

1 comment:

  1. シンバのご飯を横取りするわけじゃないよ 額に汗がタラ~ KAIYA~!!
