Daddy had to work in the evening today and I was getting off work little before he started working.
I asked him to take Kaiya with him
so I could take Kaiya directly after work and take a long walk home :)
We walked little more than 2 hours, I think.
That was really really good exercise for both of us ;)
本日は 私は夕方まで仕事 ダディは夕方から仕事だったので
仕事場までKaiyaを連れてきてもらって Kaiyaと散歩がてら歩いて帰った〜
久しぶりに長い散歩 Kaiyaも私もいい運動ができたっ!
I let her off the leash for the first time in a long time in the nature.
This wasn't the woods but nice and quiet place by the water.
First, she got soooo excited and started running back and forth right a way!
She was too fast the camera on my smart phone couldn't catch her well :(
森ではないけど 人がこなそうな 水辺のとこで久しぶりに放して遊ばせてあげた!
うれしくて 行ったり来たり 走りまくって
スマートフォンのカメラじゃ ぶれてウマく撮れなぁ〜い(>_<)
A while later I decided to go back on our track home.
Just as we started walking towards to the direction, a bunny came in our sight!!!
Oh YES, it didn't take a second for her to start running after it!
I called her back and try to make her wait but she was too excited.
When I blew the whistle, she came back and checked where I was then she went back again.
A couple minutes later finally she sort of calmed down.
Bad girl not listening me.
I put her on the leash for the rest of walk.
暫くしてから 帰路につこうと歩き始めたら 前方にバニー出現!!!
これまた呼んで 待て って言っても興奮してダメだ
笛吹いたら戻ってくるけど 私の姿みたらまた行っちゃうし(-_-)
![]() |
Oh yeah! The bunny was even in one of the photos. In that red circle :p うまいこと写真におさまったので 赤丸の中にいるのがバニーです(笑) |
She's going in the water. No hesitation.
It's windy today and more movement on the shore... This is something unusual.
Well, of course, she didn't swim or anything.
She just got her legs wet like she usual does though :p
珍しく ずいずい水の中に行くぞ!!
風が強くて波が荒いのに 恐がるそぶりもなく・・・どうした??
まぁ いつものように足だけでどっぷり浸かるわけじゃなかったけど(笑)
Oh yeah, I agree with ya Kaiya.
Such a beautiful view!
But why don't we continue walking home??
....she suddenly sat there looking at the view. lol
って おい!
Look! Airplane! あっ 飛行機! |
Deleteバニーちゃん 私に尻を向けるなんて失礼な!プンプン! Kaiya~!!