I had to work pretty much whole day...I didn't have time to cuddle with Kaiya today :(
BUT! Somehow I woke up before my alarm went off.
I had extra time for the walk and did longer morning walk than usual :)
今日はほぼ一日中仕事で 全然Kaiyaとイチャイチャできなかったぁ〜(>_<)
でもなぜか今朝目覚ましなる前に目が覚めて いつもより全然長い朝散歩できた!(^^)
Kaiya! Get up! Let's go for a walk!! Kaiya〜 起きてぇ〜 お散歩行くよぉ〜! |
While I was at work, Kaiya and daddy were chilling on the sofa!
私が仕事してる間 Kaiyaさんはダディとソファでのほほ〜ん
Walk with daddy in the afternoon
Too nice to lie down here.,,she's refusing to go :p
のほほ〜んとしすぎて 行きたくなよぉ〜(笑)
ふむふむ のんびり出来た Kaiya~!!