I didn't have to work early today so I slept in this morning! Soooo nice:)
But I actually woke up the same time I usually wake up when I work early...
Kaiya was sleeping on her bed that's right by my side of the bed.
She was too cute I took a photo and went back to sleep again :p
今日は 遅くに仕事だったから 朝ゆっくりぃ〜
目が覚めた時にベッドの私側にあるKaiya用ベッドにKaiyaが寝てて かわいいからパシャって撮って そのまま二度寝に入りましたぁ〜(^.^)
I had a chance to take 2 walks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with Kaiya today!!
Suddenly she rushed and lay down...she just wanted to chew on the stick she found :p
急に小走りになってバタって横になるから 何かと思ったら 棒カミカミ〜!!(゜ロ゜ノ)ノ
I didn't get what exactly she was doing until I got closer...she was trying to get the pinecone which is still attached to the brunch :)
お次はなんか枝をモショモショしてると思ったら まだ木に付いてる松ぼっくりを一生懸命取ろうとしてた(≧∇≦)
Today's Kaiya smile!!!
腫れも治って スマイル 美人 KAIYA~!!
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ReplyDelete甲斐犬の展覧会 10月25日です
ラジャ( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ
Delete展覧会 了解です!楽しみだぁ〜(≧∇≦)