Kaiya and I went a long walk in the afternoon today!
Since we don't see a lot of Kaiya's friends lately...they are probably in the countryside in their summer houses...we went to this big dog park in Solna, about 30 minute-walk away from our place, to see if she can play with other doggies!
Yes, there were a few dogs there she could play with a bit.
But the most of the time, she was picking on this 8-week old mix boy puppy.
I was a little afraid that she was playing too rough with him cuz he was sooo tiny.
But it seemed like he was the one who never gave up and went back to Kaiya even though he was rolling around all the time;)
実は 最近Kaiyaの友達にあんまり会わない( ; ; )
というのも こっちの人ってけっこーサマーハウスor小さめの別荘を町から離れた田舎のほうに持ってて この暖かい季節はそっちの方に行っちゃうから いつも散歩で会う近所の人たちに全然会わないのだ!
そんなこんなで いつも行かないドッグランで他のワンちゃんたちと遊べたらいいなぁ〜と思って行ってみたら いたいた!
Kaiyaより小さい子のが多かったけど たまには他の子たちと遊ばないとねぇ
生後8週間のミックス犬の男の子がいて めっちゃ小さくてかわいかったぁぁぁ
Kaiyaさんこの子とちょっと激しく遊んでる感じで心配だったけど いくら転がされても向かってってるみたいだったから この小さい子も楽しんでたみたい!
暖かくなって「蚊:か」などの虫はでませんか KAIYA~
ReplyDelete実は 虫を追っかけるのが好きなんだなぁ〜(笑)