Friday, July 31, 2015

Mommy's little baby no matter what!

Kaiya had the runs again today.....I woke up from Kaiya's cry and immediately took her outside.

I ran and kept it up with Kaiya 

even though my legs weren't moving as fast as usual since I was asleep a couple of minutes ago.

After did her business and became calm, she started to dig.  Hard.

And sniffed.  Hard. :p

I though she was some kind of an addict or something since she was sniffing so much. lol

I wonder what it was that she smelled there.

今日もまたお腹の調子が悪いらしく 今朝鳴き声で目が覚めて猛ダッシュで外へ

起きたばっかりでおぼつかない足だけど マミーがんばって走ったぜい!

少し落ち着いたら 本日は穴掘りに専念するKaiya

掘っては すんっごい勢いで臭いをかいでる・・・なんの臭いがするんだろぉ??

At night when I came back from work,

Kaiya and daddy came back from the night walk too.

We met at the entrance of the apartment and went up together.

I guess Kaiya wanted to play more.  

She didn't wanna come in our door but ran away in the hallway.

Too bad Kaiya, I can easily catch you!!!

You are mommy's baby no matter how big you get!! :D

Mommy's little tired tonight.  We play tomorrow instead, Ok!? :)

夜 仕事終わって帰ってきたら 


遊んでほしいらしくなかなか家に入らず廊下を逃げ回るから 捕まえてやったぜ!(笑)


マミー疲れてるから 明日遊ぼうな!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mommy's födelsedag!

It was my birthday today!
I got a lot of birthday messages which made my day!!! :)
Unfortunately both daddy and I had work so we didn't really do anything during the day.
But when I came home from work, there was a little surprise!
Daddy waited at home with a present and a cake♡
Also at work, my colleagues celebrated me singing the birthday song with a cake, too! :)

Btw, swedish birthday song is swedish original.  Totally different from english version.  everything is in swedish!

Grattis = Congratulations
Födelsedag = birthday

今日は 私の誕生日でしたぁ〜
バースデー メッセージをたくさんもらって とってもハッピーな一日に!
ダディも私も仕事だったので 特別なにをした日でもなかったけど 先に仕事から帰ってきていたダディがプレゼントとケーキを用意してくれてましたぁ!(^0^)
そうそう 職場でもケーキとバースデーソングで祝ってもらっちゃった☆

スウェーデンのバースデーソングはスウェーデンオリジナルで すべてスウェーデン語!
日本で歌う "ハッピーバースデー トゥー ユー♪"とは違うんでぇす!

Grattis(グラッティス)= おめでとう
Födelsedag(フォーデルセダーグ)= 誕生日


Our princess Kaiya got massage from daddy!
You know,'s my birthday! Isn't it me who should be getting massage??? lol


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rain Running Raspberry

When we went out to take a walk this morning, it was raining.

I had my rain jacket and rain boots on so I just went out in the rain and started to walk.

Then I realized Kaiya wasn't coming along...

turned around and saw this ↓↓↓lol

今朝の散歩に出た時 ちょうど雨が少し降っていて




"I'm not going in the rain mommy!"
"マミー 雨降ってるじゃん

"Really? Do I really have to go??"
"え〜 今行かなきゃダメなのぉ〜??"

Obviously she doesn't like to get wet.
She walked along by the building 

where she could keep herself as dry as possible :p

Kaiya, daddy and I took a walk together in the early evening

to the shopping center where the pet supply shop Zoo is!

On the way, we went by this Kaiya's favorite spot and she ran soooo much!

夕方は Kaiya ダディ 私の3人で 


途中 Kaiyaが好きな この場所で走り回ったよ〜ん!


WOW! She came out from nowhere! :)
草むらから じゃじゃじゃじゃーん!

Small but tasted good :)
小さい粒だけど うまし!(^^)

 Btw, raspberry in Swedish is "hallon."

When I was picking and eating raspberries,
Kaiya came to me putting her curious face on like saying,
"what's that mommy? I want it too!"
I gave her one.  She only played with it and smashed at the end. :p
"なにそれ?あたしもほしい" って近づいてきたKaiyaさん
あげてみたら コロコロ転がして遊んで 最後はつぶれてた(笑)

Kaiya's helping me choose her food :D
She probably knows that there're her favorite frozen raw bones
in that freezer :p

ペットサプライショップZOO で

You are too slow!!

Somehow Kaiya was soooooo slow today...

I took her out in the morning and the last walk at night but she just didn't walk.

Both times she walked a bit and then stopped, sniffed around and walked and stopped.....over and over.... :(

One of the reasons for that is that she's into little bugs lately.
When she finds one, she tilts her head and observe where it goes, sniffs it, tries to touch it with her paws, sometimes gets scared and jumps back down, and finally smashes it by stepping on it... :p

She's too cute.  I actually can't take my eyes off from her when she does

Anyways, we were out more than 1 hour both times but I don't think we didn't get enough exercise for the day as we usually do.

Oh yeah, she actually ran only one time in the morning when we went to her favorite spot!


朝の散歩と夜の散歩は私が連れてったんだけど 全然前に進まない(笑)


歩き疲れたというより 待ち疲れたなぁ(笑)

というのも 最近虫がかなり気になるらしく 小さな虫を見つけると首を傾げながら 臭いをかいだり 前足で触ろうか触らないか迷ってみたり 虫の予想外の動きに跳ね上がってビックリしてみたり 結局最後は思い切ってペシッて踏んでしまったり・・・(^^;)

かわいいから 実は私もそんなKaiyaの様子に釘付けになってみたり(笑)

まぁ 虫だけじゃないけど 今日は臭いをかぎまくってたぁ〜

唯一 朝行ったお気に入りのこの芝のとこで 走って遊んだ Kaiyaさん
