Kaiya had the runs again today.....I woke up from Kaiya's cry and immediately took her outside.
I ran and kept it up with Kaiya
even though my legs weren't moving as fast as usual since I was asleep a couple of minutes ago.
After did her business and became calm, she started to dig. Hard.
And sniffed. Hard. :p
I though she was some kind of an addict or something since she was sniffing so much. lol
I wonder what it was that she smelled there.
今日もまたお腹の調子が悪いらしく 今朝鳴き声で目が覚めて猛ダッシュで外へ
起きたばっかりでおぼつかない足だけど マミーがんばって走ったぜい!
少し落ち着いたら 本日は穴掘りに専念するKaiya
掘っては すんっごい勢いで臭いをかいでる・・・なんの臭いがするんだろぉ??
At night when I came back from work,
Kaiya and daddy came back from the night walk too.
We met at the entrance of the apartment and went up together.
I guess Kaiya wanted to play more.
She didn't wanna come in our door but ran away in the hallway.
Too bad Kaiya, I can easily catch you!!!
You are mommy's baby no matter how big you get!! :D
Mommy's little tired tonight. We play tomorrow instead, Ok!? :)
夜 仕事終わって帰ってきたら
遊んでほしいらしくなかなか家に入らず廊下を逃げ回るから 捕まえてやったぜ!(笑)
マミー疲れてるから 明日遊ぼうな!