Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Walking a lot and napping together / いっぱい歩いて一緒にお昼寝 Aug. 28

I kinda like to walk to work so I took Kaiya and Mato with me again!

It's fun to see beautiful horses on the way, right Kaiya? :)

なんとなく朝の長い散歩が気持ちいいから 今日も一緒に出勤だ〜!

通る道でおウマさんに会えるしな(^ ^)

That's not an ornament.  That's Mato. lol

 置物じゃないよ Matoだよw

It rained a little though it didn't get cold.  It was rather warm today.  We walked more than 3 hours in total and we got sweaty....or maybe it was just mommy who got sweaty 😝

今日はぱらっと雨降ったりしたんだけど 一日そんなに涼しすぎず 往復で3時間以上歩いた私達はけっこー汗かいた〜・・・汗かいたのはマミーだけか。😝

We finally got home!  When I realized Kaiya and Mato were chilling on the bed together after their dinner.

I lay down, too, in between Kaiya and Mato to cuddle but I must have fallen asleep right a way.  I don't remember cuddling much. lol

Anyways, we had a nice nap for an hour or so.😎

お家ついて夕飯食べた2人が仲良くベッドの上でゴロンしてるから 私も真ん中にゴロンしたら いつの間にかウトウト。



  1. ショーウィンドーの中のMATO、なかなか様になってるじゃあないか?日本にいたころには、想像もできなかったね!

    1. でしょぉ〜!他のワンちゃんが通り過ぎる時どんな様子か気になるけど・・・(笑)
