On the train. She somehow likes to sit in the middle of no where. lol 電車の乗って。なぜかど真ん中にお座り。 |
Chilli's owner Carina's suggested me coupe of times to try it. Kaiya and Mato always sniff around and are very sensitive and reactive to smells. And she thinks they are very smart that they suit for this kind of activity.
About two weeks ago, I found this Nose work class on the internet and applied right a way.
Unfortunately, I couldn't take both of them to the class so I took Kaiya with me.
前からシリィの飼い主のカリーナに 臭い取りをいつでもしてるKaiyaとMatoは臭いに敏感で頭もいいからノーズワークのアクティビティが合うんじゃないかって言われてて 2週間前になんとなくネットで検索してたらちょうどよくクラスを見つけたから即申し込み〜。
残念ながら1頭しか連れて行けなかったから Kaiyaと一緒にクラスへ。
This is where the class was held. 到着。このプレハブみたいなとこがクラス。 |
Inside was quite spacious. 中はなかなか広めなスペース。 |
Nosework is a fairly new canine sport that was started in the USA in which the dogs are taught to find a hidden target odor.
We usually do this "search game" at home just to have fun and train their noses. I hide dry food everywhere in the apartment and when I say "search", they go and try to find the dog food.
This time, the target is not food but a special odor.
It was eucalyptus for the first class.
At first, we hold a container, which looks like salt and pepper containers with little holes on top, in which contains the eucalyptus odor.
Once the dogs sniff it, we praise them and give them treats. We did this exercise 3 sets of 10 reps.
Since it was sort of a big class with 10 dogs including Kaiya so we were divided into 3 groups for the next exercise. We put 2 containers on the floor, empty one and one with the target odor. When the dogs sniff on the right container with the target oder, we praise them and give them treats.
Once they got used to it, we added one more empty container and continued.
Some people were struggling with guiding their dogs to have them smell the odor because some got distracted by other dogs or some by toys and so on.
To tell you the truth, I watched one of the youtube videos which showed the similar exercise and we tried it at home some times. I think that's why Kaiya understood what to do very quickly and it went so smoothly.
普段から家で"サーチゲーム"って呼んでる ドッグフードをいろんなところに隠して 鼻を使わせて探させる遊びをしてるけど 今回は食べ物じゃない臭いがターゲット。
まずはユーカリの匂いの入った 塩・コショウの容器みたいな穴の空いた小さな入れ物を手に持って 犬が嗅いだら褒めてご褒美をあげるの繰り返しを10回の3セット。
Kaiyaも含めて10頭いて大きめのクラスだったから 次はいくつかのグループに別れてのトレーニング。
2つのタッパー(1つは空の何も入ってない何も臭わない容器。もう1つはユーカリの臭いの元が入ってる容器。)を地面において 臭源が入ってるタッパーをクンクンしたら 褒めてご褒美。
慣れてきたら 空のタッパーをもう1つ増やして3つの中から当てる練習。
実はYouTubeでこういうエクササイズを見てちょっと練習してたから Kaiyaはクラスでのエクササイズはすぐにどうやるのか分かったみたい。
最初に臭いを見つけるっていう行動を理解させること自体が難しいのに プラス 周りに他のワンちゃんたちたくさんいるし おもちゃがあったり 気が散る要素がたくさんだから 悪戦苦闘している人たちがたくさんいたけど Kaiyaさんはびっくりするほどスムーズにクラスでのエクササイズできたよぉ!!
帰り際にアシスタントのお姉さんにKaiya褒められたぁ!へへ(๑╹ω╹๑ )
This is the 3 days basic course. We meet every Tuesday evening.
We had so much fun and can't wait for the next week!
By the way, we got homework. The end of the class, we received a bottle of eucalyptus aroma oil. We can use this to train at home. Of course, I'm gonna do it with Mato, too ;)))
これはレベル1のクラスで毎週火曜の夕方 全部で3回。
普段大人しいKaiyaなのに ここではめちゃめちゃアクティブ。
一緒にアクティビティできて ほんとに楽しかった〜(≧∀≦) 来週が待ち遠しい〜!
宿題で家で練習できるように小瓶に入った液体のユーカリアロマオイルをもらったから 毎日エクササイズできる!もちろん 家ではMatoもね。
さ~ユーカリの匂いを探そうね Kaiya~!!
ReplyDeleteそんなもん何の役に立つんだい MATO~!!
だーっはっはっは!役にはたたんが トリーツもらえるゾォ!!(笑)