I had to go to work earlier than usual this morning. So I took Kaiya and Mato for a walk in the afternoon and daddy took them for the morning walk.
It was sunny in the morning but thick clouds covered the sky in the afternoon which made it almost cold.
I guess it was a perfect temperature for Kaiya and Mato to take a walk ;)
今朝はいつもより早くお仕事行かなきゃ行けなかったので あさんぽはダディで 午後散歩はマミーと。
午前中は晴れてたのに 午後から厚い雲が出てきて寒いくらいに涼しくなったぁ〜。
Kaiya |
Mato |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
I had to work earlier than usual and biked twice as long as usual....I got really tirrrrrrrred!!!
So mommy needs a break.
We sat on the hill where we could see the park. Kaiya had no problem taking a break :)
今日はいつもより早く仕事始まって いつもより倍の距離自転車乗って なんだかクタクタマミー。
ってことで ちょっと休憩させてくれ。
Kaiya |
Mato couldn't sit still...sniffing sniffing...
Matoは辺りをクンクン クンクン。
"Aren't we going yet?", says Mato ;p
"まだ行かないの?" 的なMato。
Kaiya just sat right next to me quietly but guarding ;))
無言で隣に座って でも周りを警戒してくれてるKaiya。
Look. A cat!
Well, we walked slow. We took a break. I don't think we walked long distance but we were out for an hour and a half.
休憩したり ゆっくり歩いたりで 距離歩かなかったけど 1時間半くらい外の空気を吸ってリフレッシュ〜。
なんでMatoのリードは赤なんだ~ Mato~!!
ReplyDeleteだって私より年下なんだから言うこと聞きなさい Kaiya~!!
赤が似合うからだよぉ〜!Kaiyaも赤がいいけど 同じ色だとみんなどっちがどっちかわからないもんねぇ〜