I've been very busy but we all are doing fine :)
ムーチョ お久しぶりです。
最近忙しくてなかなかブログがアップできない・・・( ;∀;)
でも みんな元気だよぉ!
Last Tuesday, Kaiya and I went to the last class of Nose work 1.
The class was divided into two groups like the last time, one with smaller doggies and one with bigger doggies.
This time we did exercises both indoor and outdoor.
Plus, we weren't told where the target odor were hidden.
It was such a great exercise for me to closely and carefully watch how Kaiya reacted when she found the target odor.
We had so much fun!!! I just love this Nose Work activities.
Kaiya did such a wonderful job using her nose hard and finding them.
I'm so proud of her!
一昨日の火曜日はノーズワーク (レベル⓵)の最後のクラスに行って来ましたぁ!
今回はクラスを2つのグループに分けて 室内と室外で交互にトレーニング。
そして ターゲット臭が隠してあるところは知らされず 犬の反応を観察して見分けるという飼い主への難しいトレーニングも。
自分の子だけど 惚れ惚れ〜(//∇//)
One of the chairs in the back has the target odor. あそこに並んでる椅子のどれかにターゲット臭が。 |
Today's afternoon walk! Daddy came along, too!
Then I thought since daddy was there, we could do some nose work exercises outside together.
Kaiya got actually excited to do some nose work.
She was well concentrated and it was almost a piece of cake for her ;p
Mato, on the other hand, wasn't concentrated like Kaiya since there were a lot of allurements and disturbances outside.
But it's fine. We just need to practice more often and hopefully he'll find this exercise fun and interesting soon.
ちょうどダディもいたし お外でノーズワークのトレーニング!
Kaiyaはお手の物で 集中してよく探してたぁ〜。
Matoは お外でたくさんの音はするし 人やお散歩してる他のワンちゃんたちが通り過ぎたり たくさんの臭いもって色々誘惑があるから ちょっと集中力が欠けてたけどこれからいっぱい練習してこぉ!
On the way home, we stopped at the grocery store. We three waited outside while daddy was buying some stuff for the dinner :)
ってなわけで 帰りにスーパーで買い物してるダディを外で3人でいい子に待ってたよぉ〜!
Mato |
Kaiya |
クンクン・クン・クン いろんな匂いがする MATO~!!
ReplyDeleteノーズワークで集中だもんね ホレホレMato君 Kaiya~!!
いろんな匂いするけどターゲット臭を見つけるんだよぉ〜 Mato〜!!
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