Of course, I went with Kaiya as the last time.
We'd trained at home since the last class in order to imprint the target odor.
This time we had interesting exercises.
At first, we did the line up method training.
We used a rectangular shaped wooden box with 4 holes where glass jars can be held.
The target scent was in one of the jars and dogs had to find that right jar.
We can switch the jars to move the target scent easily and this was a fun exercise.
この1週間毎日ちょっとずつ臭いの刷り込みのために練習をしてきたけど 今回のクラスではワンステップアップ。
長方形の木の箱に だいたい同じくらいの感覚で穴があいていて それぞれガラスの容器が入れられるようになっている。
ガラスの容器を入れ替えができて ターゲット臭を簡単に移動できるからテンポよく訓練ができる。
Next was to find two target scent (same scent).
At first, the instructor hid one of the target scent on the blue cone and the other on one of the legs of those piled up chairs.
Since they were close to the window and I guess a little bit of wind was coming in, the scent moved which made it hard to find the origin of the scent.
Kaiya was close to it but at first sniffing on the floor or looking up and sniffing like she was following the moving target scent.
Finally, found the first target scent but it's not over. Gotta find the second one.
The key is to guide the dogs to find the second one, not to go back to the first one which they found already.
This activity was challenging but so much fun!!!
Every one did their homework very well and they were so good at it.
We gonna train at home and have fun a lot until the next week's class :))))
最初は右恥にある青いコーンの上に1つ目のターゲット臭をつけ 2つ目はたくさん積み重なってる椅子の足に。
窓に近いところで 隙間風が入ってきていたので その風に乗って臭いが動いたのかターゲット臭の元を探すのに時間がかかった〜。
1つを見つけたら終わらない 2つ目も見つけなきゃ行けない。
探せの合図をすると1つ目のもう見つけたターゲット臭に戻ろうとするから そこ以外を探すように導いてあげる。
なかなか難しかったけど やっぱりこのアクティビティは楽しい!!!
みんな家でたくさん練習したんだろうなぁ〜 みんなレベルアップしてた!
来週までにいっぱい練習して 私たちももっとレベルアップだぁ!!(≧∀≦)
This is from this morning.
We med Chilli at the dog park as usual.
Chilli is really good at balancing standing on the unstable log.
Kaiya and Mato challenged, too!...in order to get that treat Carina had ;p
なんで そんな 訛ってるん?
Deleteと言う人がいたんで!! Kaiya~MATO~!!
ReplyDeleteイエッサー!!!( ̄^ ̄)ゞ