We had such a long morning walk...literally used up whole morning.
We took off at 8 a.m. and when we came home, it was already noon. lol
Somehow I wanted to go for mushroom picking. I searched on the internet where the nearest spot I could go to pick mushrooms and it was Judarskogens naturreservat, a national park, in Åkeshov which is where Kaiya and I go to the nose work class.
The access to the national park was easy. It's right in front of the Åkeshov station.
We took the trains on the way there...by the way, Kaiya and I came here before if I remember correct...about 2 years ago.
Just before we got in to the woods, we found a dog park :)
8時に家出て 家に帰ってきたら昼の12時になってたぁ〜(笑)
というのも ふとキノコ狩りがしたいと思って 電車を乗り継いで KaiyaとのノーズワークのクラスがあるÅkeshov(オーケシュホヴ) へ。
駅を降りてすぐにJudarskogens naturreservatっていう自然公園が広がっていて Kaiyaとは2年前くらいかな1度来たことがあったな そういえば。
とまぁ 本格的に森の中に入る前に広いドッグラン発見。ちょいとひとっ走り!
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya |
Mato |
Kaiya |
Kaiya (behind) Mato (front) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Alright, let's go find some mushrooms now!
さてさて そろそろキノコ探しにいこーぜー!
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
There were so many mushrooms in the woods!!!
But I couldn't find the ones you can eat!
Well, I only know 3 kinds actually...but these 3 kinds weren't there at all!!! :((
Many people come to this national park and all the eatable ones are already picked I guess.
I think I have to go far out from Stockholm in order to do mushroom picking.
ってか私が知ってるのは3種類しかないんだけど その3種類がない!(笑)
まぁ たくさんの人がここに来るからねぇ。みんな狩られちゃってるよね(^^;)
Kaiya |
Mato |
I gave up finding the eatable mushrooms and decided just to enjoy the walk in the woods.
So much odors in the woods. Kaiya and Mato were in the excited state pretty much whole the time.
Let's just take it easy looking at the lake, guys ;))
ってことでキノコ狩りはほぼ諦めて ふつーに森さんぽを楽しむことに。
いろんな臭いがするから 2人は常に興奮状態だったけど まぁちょっと湖を見てゆっくりしよ
Mato |
Kaiya |
Mato |
Only wish these were the ones I could pick.
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |
Cloudy in the early morning but the sun came out!
朝曇ってたけど 太陽が出て来た!
Kaiya |
Mato (left) Kaiya (right) |
Well well well, as you can easily guess, my mushroom picking score was 0. It wasn't a fun result so I decided to walk home instead of taking the trains.
Totally we walked about 10km I think and it was already noon when we got home ;p
Kaiya and Mato got tired and slept a lot in the afternoon.
Poor daddy, no one played with him. lol
I also had such a good nap after that nice long walk. My day off became a good resting day :)
ということで キノコ狩りの結果は0で終わり 悔しいから帰りはなぜか電車には乗らず歩いて帰ることに。
家に着いた時には昼になってて 結局10キロくらい歩いたのかなぁ。
たくさん歩いたから KaiyaもMatoもお疲れでよく寝てた〜!
で 私も疲れて昼寝いっぱいして ゆったりいい休みの日になったぜーい!
Kaiya (left) Mato (right) |