I'd realized that Mato didn't have his own bed so I've ordered one for him. And it arrived today!
It's a memory foam mattress. Very comfy ;))) It's big enough that even I can curl up and take a nap.
Kaiya was the first one who went on it and tried to claim that it's hers.
Oh no no no Kaiya. You have your own bed already.
I finally got Mato on the mattress and taught him he could use it.
I'm totally fine you two share it like this, too :)))
Well, I wonder who's gonna be the one who uses this bed the most among Mato, Kaiya, and me ;p
そういえばMatoはベッドがないなぁと思って オーダーしたMato用のベッドが今日届いたぁ〜(*'▽'*)
低反発マットレスだよ。ふふ。気持ちいいのだ。でっかいからマミーも丸まってお昼寝できるのだ( ̄+ー ̄)
ってか Kaiyaは自分のベッドがあるのに1番最初にこのベッドに乗って自分のものにしようとしてたから なんとかMatoも乗せてMatoも使っていいんだよぉって教えてあげたよぉ。
2人で仲良く使ってくれても 全然いいんだけどね( ^ω^ )
さてさて これからMatoとKaiyaとマミー このベッドの使用率が1番高くなるのは誰になることやら・・・。
![]() |
Kaiya Mato |
By the way, it snowed whole day yesterday in Stockholm.
Today it was cold and the weather wasn't really good...it started to snow in the evening.
Let's play inside on the day like this :)
Mato likes to go after the ball.
今日も寒くてあまり天気は良くなくて 夜からまた雪が降った。
Matoはボールによく食いつく(^ ^)
Mato |
Look who's here. Do you wanna play with the ball, too?
Suddenly, the wrestling started.
と思ったら レスリングが始まった〜。
And suddenly, the wrestling was over.
Mato Kaiya |
And the ball again!
But Kaiya's not interested in the ball.
She likes to look outside the window better than playing with a ball.
We stopped playing with the ball and aimed the camera to Mato... he fell asleep!!! lol
ボール遊びやめて カメラ向けたら・・・寝た!!(笑)
落ちるの早いなぁ Mato〜!
Mato |
This girl doesn't care if she is taken photos.
I wonder what it was that made her keep looking through the window.
こちらはカメラを向けても なんのその。窓の外を見続けるヒト。
Kaiya |
Someone's awake now :)
Mato |
Now both of them...I'm pretty much sure I didn't find anything that interesting to look at outside the window.
そして 暫く窓の外を見続けるヒトタチ。
Kaiya Mato |
良いお顔、よく撮れました。 マミーご苦労 Kaiya...Mato!!
DeleteKAIYAもMATOも、 人間のベッドより良いものに、寝ているんだね?これから先、大事に使うんだよ。くれぐれもレスリングのリングに、早変わりしないようにね。
ReplyDeleteそうなんだよねぇ〜 マミーとダディは KaiyaとMatoのためには惜しみなく色々買ってしまうのよねぇ〜(笑)