I got shocked this morning as I opened the curtain...
Snow again!!! Not just a little which would melt within a day but a lot!!!!
Seriously, when does the spring come to this place???
Humans are completely tired of snow now but that doesn't occur to my babies.
They love snow no matter what.
And I wanted them to enjoy it as much as they could. That's why I took them to the woods this afternoon where they could run freely in their favorite nature in their favorite snow :)))
今朝 カーテンを開けたら・・・
一体 春はいつくるんじゃ!?
人間は雪にはうんざりだけど うちの子たちは雪でテンション上がってまぁす!
せっかくだから いっぱい走れるように 午後に森まで連れてって (Kaiya&Matoにとって)楽しい雪を満喫してきたぁ〜!
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Kaiya |
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Mato Kaiya |
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Mato |
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Mato(手前) Kaiya(奥) |
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Mato |
Kaiya saw other doggy playing with his owner on the other side of the woods.
Well, we stay this side today then ;)
今日は向こう側に行かないで こっち側だけで楽しんだよ〜。
Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato |
Mato |
Kaiya Mato |
Mato |
It kept snowing and piling up the new layer all the time. We were all covered in snow and look at them. They look like they are wearing white socks ;p
降り止まないし 積もる一方の雪で 2人ともなんだか白い靴下を履いたみたいになっちゃったなぁ〜(๑╹ω╹๑ )
Kaiya Mato |
Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya's thing started.
It's so funny to look at her rolling and rubbing herself but the reason she was doing this today was that there was something very smelly...like shit...under the snow.
I realised it when we came home...she literally smelled like shit :(((
Unfortunate for Kaiya, she had a little shower time to get cleaned.
がしかし このゴロゴロしてた下になんだかウン○らしいものがあったらしく・・・うち帰って来てから気づいたけど めっちゃKaiyaくっせ〜!(笑)
ちょいと洗われる羽目になったKaiyaさんでした( ̄∇ ̄)
Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato |
Kaiya Mato |
Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato |
Mato Kaiya |
Kaiya Mato |
Oh my my...it just never stoped snowing. It was really cold. I had a hard time taking photos but as long as they had fun, I'm happy ;)
うわわわっ・・・全然降り止まない雪に この寒さ。暗めだし 写真撮りにくいし マミーは大変だったぁ! まぁでも このお2人が楽しめたのなら 余は満足じゃ!( ´∀`)
Mato Kaiya |
白雪キバのMato君 雪ゴロゴロのKaiyaさん 楽しいねルンルン!!
ReplyDeleteチラ見せキバのあの顔いいっしょ??(´ε` )