Friday, March 3, 2017

Afternoon walk / 午後のお散歩 Mar.02

Such a nice weather!

We all went for a walk together in the afternoon :)))



Kaiya started her thing, digging ;p


Mato got into destroying and eating the stick :p


Mato gets excited when he sees birds or small animals.

He wanted to chase after the ducks but he didn't lose his control to jump in the water to go after them :p

最近ってか ちょっと前からだけど 小動物が気になるお年頃なMato。


While Mato was fixated on the birdies, Kaiya sat and watched Mato.

And while Kaiya was doing so, daddy was pulling out the falling out hair due to the shedding season. lol

鳥に釘付けになってるMatoを見守ってるKaiyaは ダディに毛を抜かれてた(笑)

換毛期だから よく抜けますわぁ〜。

After the walk, daddy and I went to the nearby cafe to eat apple pies :)))  He had craving for it ;)

It's too early for the cafes to have outside seatings, unfortunately Kaiya and Mato had to stay home.😅


まだカフェにお外席がないから KaiyaとMatoはお家でお留守番でした。

1 comment:

  1. 穴掘りKaiya~ 鳥さんMato~ ぱくぱくマミーゲンちゃん~
